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J. "Henry" Waugh

@karolherbst I agree, but am extremely pessimistic

My prev job did it twice... bc a local eng manager worked the PO process for a dual license to close it

My curr job was much better in the past (also driven by engineers who have since been let go) but is now the worst. It is nigh impossible to have eng buy non-centralized corp-wide SW at all, let alone put in a product, let alone "bc it's the ethical thing"

It's important to remember that many FOSS idealists are cogs in exploitation machines

J. "Henry" Waugh

@karolherbst it is why I have radicalized to the point of: if you don't want it stolen, don't release it for nothing

If you want money for it, act like shitty shareware or crippleware bc that's the only deal anyone who would actually pay you can understand

Because if it's free, they'll take it

I contribute to FOSS, but do so altruistically. I don't care who else uses it. If I did, I'd quit

I am sympathetic to those who want to make a living, but can only shrug and sigh

karolherbst 🐧 🦀

@jhwgh1968 Well, many Open Source developers are actually employed, because there are companies who care enough to do so. And a shareware model would essentially kill any form of Linux desktop, so I'm skeptical about this. Some applications can do it and that's fine, but not core libraries or the linux kernel.

But I also don't care _how_ companies contribute back, it's fine if they allow their engineers to contribute fixes instead of working around bugs.

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