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Mariya Delano

@Yup_Its_Holly @thomholwerda exactly. I’ve been an obvious woman on so many social media networks (I tend to show my face a lot) and Mastodon is THE ONLY experience I’ve ever had where I haven’t been harassed, sent threats, unwelcome “flirting”, or made to feel stupid / unwelcome.

I was just telling my husband the other day that even though my posts over the weekend blew up a bit here I got literally 0 misogynistic replies.

Mariya Delano

@Yup_Its_Holly @thomholwerda and I’ve also been so happy how many trans and non binary people there are on here! I had no idea so many trans women alone worked in tech and it makes me so happy looking at people’s profiles and seeing them openly state their identities and pronouns 🥹

Gwyn Ciesla

@mariyadelano @Yup_Its_Holly @thomholwerda there are rather many of us. A friend once posited that if all we conspired, we could destroy the internet and tech world as we know it.

I hope it doesn't come to that. ;)


@mariyadelano @Yup_Its_Holly Hah you can't take a single step on Mastodon without bumping into openly trans folks being happy and themselves. It's such a joy to see!


@mariyadelano @Yup_Its_Holly I also wonder if there's simply far fewer unpleasant men on here? All the men I've seen here seem more mature, often married, and just normal - whereas other platforms seem to attract a lot more weirdos and creeps.

Of course, being married doesn't preclude being a creep, but it does filter out quite a few bad apples.

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