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Alright, my Mastodon CSS tweaks are live on GitHub :)

Available in 2 color variants for now : Lemon 🍋 and Peach 🍑

Tweaks so far include :
- Set a custom accent color
- Hide several redundant UI elements
- Trim down the UI for logged-out visitors
- Tweaks to profile fields (no 'Joined' field, less obnoxious verified fields)
- Little fancy things here and there (ie. backdrop blur on headers)
- The bits of CSS that support my custom About page (


• Feel free to suggest other niceties I could add! :)

• I'm choosing not to hide the Mastodon logo in this stylesheet, but I turned it to a neutral color so it better fits any accent color one may choose to set.

• The GitHub repo is pretty barebones right now, will add a README later.

• I may entirely remove the bits of CSS that support my custom about page from the files available on the repo, but I have to find a way for me to still include them on my end.


A couple ways that I’m trimming down the UI for logged-out visitors :

• The vertical navigation bar on small devices is completely hidden unless you're logged in.

• If you disable unauthenticated access to public timelines, the 'Explore' tab will also be hidden to logged-out visitors.

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