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Neil Brown

Is it worth putting any time or effort into legal stuff, if it will just be walked over / ignored, especially without the money to enforce? Are we more dependent on community norms than enforcement action and, if so, does that mean that formal terms are worthless?

I’m thinking about FOSS licensing, where there is a strong legal underpinning, and very little litigation - the licences tend to be self-policing, aside from v occasional court cases. But the legal complexity is high.


Neil Brown

And perhaps this ship has sailed, but do we really want an overly-lawyered Fediverse?

A fediverse of terms and conditions and contracts and risks / threats of legal action? I am *massively* unsure that that is desirable, or sustainable.


Neil Brown

Users asserting licensing terms (eg CC) or data protection objection etc info in bios, or in post metadata?

The former is easy, so even if of questionable value, perhaps worth considering?

The latter requires changes and ongoing support in fedi servers and clients, so harder. Would it achieve the goal? I guess that’s the key question: what is the goal of this? What does success look like, and at what cost?


Neil Brown

I wonder how much of this is rendered moot by enabling authorized_fetch ( or the fedi service equivalent?

Or more use of locked accounts and follower-only posts? (For those who are most concerned.)

I enabled authorized_fetch here a couple of months back, and haven’t noticed any issues.


eva lauren @ CCCamp23 📞 2707

@neil I’m left thinking that the only way of making legally enforceable terms and conditions work in a federation context (beyond an allowlist or defederating known bad actors) would involve some form of machine-readable terms of use format.

Which sounds like something that must’ve been tried so often before with little success (along the lines of P3P for example) and very fragile with so many AP servers running different software and software versions…

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