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fluffy 💜

ugh, one of my jars of rice has been infested with booklice. what should I do about it?

I'm not sure how the booklice got in. It's a smaller portion of grains from a 5-pound bag, and the greater bag doesn't show any signs of infestation, and also I'd thoroughly cleaned and dried the jar before I filled it. As far as I can tell none of my other dry food containers (rice or otherwise) have been infested.

fluffy 💜

Wikihow suggests putting the rice into the freezer for a few days to kill the lice and then I guess I could use a strainer to filter out the little corpses.

fluffy 💜

also apparently they don't eat the rice itself, but random mold that's on it? so maybe they're alerting me to a bigger food safety issue?

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