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During #pridemonth, as always, we stand with the queer community.

Many queer & trans people use Tutanota to protect their privacy. During #Pride2023 we can all show our flag as a sign of solidarity and support - which is important right now. 🏳️‍🌈

Tutanota is also built for (and by) trans people & we will continue to fight for our rights to non-discrimination, privacy and freedom! Trans rights are human rights!

Support your local queer organizations and happy #pride 🌈


@Tutanota Great team! Thanks for you awesome work! The best thing now would be a Pride-themed Tutanota logo heart_pride

Jay Stephens

@Tutanota this makes me happy to be a longtime paying customer :)


@Tutanota oh wow, I didn't know trans folks were involved in the making of Tutanota. Now I like you even more! 💙🩷🤍


@thibaultmol Yes, and no complaints in support. My guess: Replies on Twitter are just bots/haters that follow certain hashtags.

Thibault Molleman🇧🇪 🌈🐝

I guess maybe don't use the hashtag's next time. It doesn't look good.

I'm very happy you post about it, but if the hashtag just attracts those kinds of accounts. Probably best not to use it (unfortunately)

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