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Sean Tilley

Seriously, this #FediverseJam looks like it could be a lot of fun. I'd really love to work together with somebody on a small game!

Oliver :apple_inc:

@deadsuperhero Thought of Thimbleweed Park first when seeing the graphics πŸ˜‰

Sean Tilley

@oliver Heh, now I can't unsee it. I mostly just took the art from the game jam's landing page and did some unholy filtering to make it look more pixelated and retro. 😁

Oliver :apple_inc:

@deadsuperhero Looks great anyway as this look always has something special! πŸ™‚πŸ‘πŸ»

Sean Tilley

@oliver Having grown up with DOS adventure games, I'm a huge sucker for pixel art.

Oliver :apple_inc:

@deadsuperhero A long time ago I finally found someone distributing Maniac Mansion for my C64 on the schoolyard and my personal journey there began… πŸ˜ƒ

Sean Tilley

@oliver Totally get it, my grandpa brought an IBM PC Jr home, and my mom discovered King's Quest on it.

Ran terribly at the time, but she was hooked. I ended up playing pretty much all of the *Quest games, because of her. Opened up whole worlds, and eventually got me into trying to make my own as a hobby.

Oliver :apple_inc:

@deadsuperhero Feel this! Discovered Roger Wilco and Space Quest on my grandpa's Atari ST and then explored some Leisure Suit Larry-adventures while being a minor. 🀣 Great times… unforgotten!


@deadsuperhero I might be able to help if you want a programmer!

I have so many projects going on right now that designing and taking ownership of new game seems a bad idea, but can maybe help someone else?

Sean Tilley

@cidney It's funny, I've been down the AGS programming rabbit hole for so long that I've never even considered just doing the art parts.

I think it would be very fun to try to make a game together. Maybe once the theme / rules / limitations get posted, we can brainstorm? 😁

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