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Delia Christina

What shared interests or common values can be shared between us (who are wage-earning non-1%ers - even those of us who might be on a really ad hoc and sketch upper-income scale)?

What shared values hold us and the rich together....other than envy or greed?

Merit? Nah. Merit doesn't exist. And merit doesn't justify hoarding.

Ambition? Nah. Ambition to acquire money is just....greed. Ambition to improve the world? Do the rich do that? I don't think the actual historical or research record shows that.

Political bonds? Nope.
Ideological bonds? Def not.

Caping for the wealthy makes no sense to me.

Delia Christina

Ah. Humanity.

The call for empathy for a shared humanity.

The rich are people, too!

Ok. I'll concede that.
They are people. Someone probably loves them.

But here's where my religious upbringing comes up:

It's easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.

Jesus hung out with all sorts of people: tax collectors, whores, fishermen, the lame, the ordinary. But he was pretty clear about what rich folk were supposed to do. Not hoarding their wealth is one of them.

And allllll the things that make our society a heaping pile of flaming garbage - income inequality, inaccessible healthcare, blighted public education, environmental crisis - can be solved if the resources currently being hoarded by the 1% were put to work for the common good.

So yeah. They're people -- but what kind?

Ah. Humanity.

The call for empathy for a shared humanity.

The rich are people, too!

Ok. I'll concede that.
They are people. Someone probably loves them.

But here's where my religious upbringing comes up:

It's easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.

Delia Christina

In my circles there is the maxim that 'There is enough for everyone.'

And there is. Really. There is. It's not even a nice slogan. Folks have used the federal budget process to show how, if one makes different allocation decisions, there is literally enough to fund a basic social safety net here in this country. That doesn't even include what taxing the rich would do.

There IS enough for everyone.

But currently, there isn't because the likes of Jeff Bezos are squeezing workers like wet rags, and every drop plops into their bulging piggy banks.

$250k to tour a boring wreck.

Who has that much cash lying around for some janky tour?

Someone I am NOT on the same page with, ideologically or otherwise.

In my circles there is the maxim that 'There is enough for everyone.'

And there is. Really. There is. It's not even a nice slogan. Folks have used the federal budget process to show how, if one makes different allocation decisions, there is literally enough to fund a basic social safety net here in this country. That doesn't even include what taxing the rich would do.

Delia Christina

This is what it means to have a Politics: know which side you're on and remain *clear AF* about why you're there and what it means to be there.

I can acknowledge some wealthy dude's humanity (grudgingly but I can) but there is no way in hell I'm going to stand next to him and call him Brother.

He's not on my side.
When he is, then we can shake hands.

That moment doesn't look like me stepping off of my line and crossing over to him.

That moment looks like HIM stepping away from his wealth and coming to our side.

Politics. They matter.

This is what it means to have a Politics: know which side you're on and remain *clear AF* about why you're there and what it means to be there.

I can acknowledge some wealthy dude's humanity (grudgingly but I can) but there is no way in hell I'm going to stand next to him and call him Brother.

He's not on my side.
When he is, then we can shake hands.

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