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Sean Tilley

@gruber I'll be the first to admit two things:

1. Yeesh, that's a lot.

2. Hell yeah, the network is growing!

With each subsequent wave of users migrating over, the network grows bigger, and at a faster rate. It's a challenge for us - at times, servers will struggle from the increased user loads as people scramble to upgrade their infrastructure. A lot of people end up launching new servers entirely, enduring a first-hand crash course in how to be an admin.

I'd be lying if I said it was smooth sailing. Of course it isn't. For some, it's a trial by fire, where they have to figure out how best to interact with the rest of the space.

Anyway, this is getting a bit long-winded. TL;DR - Yes, I'm more than okay with the network growing. But not when it is by an actor that doesn't respect the social contract, and is only here to extract value from it.

Sean Tilley

@gruber Another point is that we haven't yet had the stress test of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of users come to the fediverse yet. Even Tumblr, one of the smaller large networks, could absolutely flood the timelines of anybody who federates with it.

I don't necessarily consider that a failure, but for us, 11 million accounts is a big deal. It took a long time to get there organically, took a considerable amount of fan-out of available servers. In some aspects, I still don't think we're ready for the masses, because there's still a lot of important work to be done to better ensure user trust and safety.

@gruber Another point is that we haven't yet had the stress test of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of users come to the fediverse yet. Even Tumblr, one of the smaller large networks, could absolutely flood the timelines of anybody who federates with it.

I don't necessarily consider that a failure, but for us, 11 million accounts is a big deal. It took a long time to get there organically, took a considerable amount of fan-out of available servers. In some aspects, I still don't think we're...

Chris Trottier I like your response to Gruber!

On another note, I think I'd like to write a few articles for your project. That is, if you'll have me


@deadsuperhero @gruber in fact, my understanding is that one of the reasons why Tumblr hasn't tried to federate yet it's that they don't *want* to overwhelm the network —and that's for a platform that could present each blog as a different instance, thus making it much more manageable from “this” side.

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