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Mike Rodriquez

@deadsuperhero @gruber

" I just think you haven’t been in the space long enough to really know much about it."

I've been in this space since 1984 when I was a usenet admin.

I pretty much completely agree w/John, fwiw, and also, no offense, did not find your article persuasive.

It is an important discussion to have, no question about that.

Sean Tilley

@glowrocks @gruber That's okay! It's 100% fine to disagree here. For the most part, those who want to federate with Threads will do so, those who won't, won't. The network has long outgrown a maximalist stance that every node has to connect to every other node.

Out of curiosity, did you ever experience something similar during your time on Usenet? What was the outcome?

Mike Rodriquez

@deadsuperhero Good point, folks will do what they need to do and that is a large part of the power of federation.

Wrt usenet, there were the AOL hordes, but that passed. There was the beginning of spam, and that didn't.

But there were no big commercial entities to compare to FB.

Google did eat up the usenet archives I believe, w/vast parts now missing. We didn't handle that well, but then again, who's we?

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