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Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

Okay, so apparantly Reddit decided that the GDPR is nonexistent today;

Holy fucking shit, even though the restore is bad enough on its own, the evidence that reddit *has not deleted this data even though GDPR would compel them so* is even more damning

That lawsuit is fucking incoming, especially with the badwill they've accumulated this past month

16 comments | Expand all CWs
Carlos Solís
@ShadowJonathan Guess why did I ask for a copy of my data, just in case they end up nuking themselves
mx. dr. prof. le fay

@ShadowJonathan bahahahahahahaha omfg i love it

rqsd Back when reddit's code was source-available, I set up a toy instance on localhost. I found out that day that deletion meant only setting a flag deleted = True and that's it, post and everything is still there. I'm surprised they didn't change that behavior in light of GDPR though.


I think it’s more a server issue like what happened with Twitter.

I had some stuff restored, but not everything was. In fact, most of my stuff was deleted. What I think has happened is that Reddit rolled back a database or restored a server somewhere that hosted those comments after the crash during the protests.

IMO it’s down to incompetence rather than malice. But Reddit still sucks lol

Crazy Pony

@ShadowJonathan i dont know Reddit, but do they perhaps have some part in the TOS that says you grant them an unlimited license to use your post for whatever reasons?

This is for me the second thing that avoids joining a site

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@crazy_pony yup, they do, everything you post there is theirs, and not yours

Sven Slootweg

@crazy_pony @ShadowJonathan Note that it doesn't matter what the ToS says, they still need to delete personal information under the GDPR if asked to, you cannot override that (or most laws, for that matter) with ToS


@ShadowJonathan “CPRA has entered the chat” California residents also going to have a field day on this one.


@ShadowJonathan I usually swear a lot so I'll do it now, too: this is just fucked up. What in the cinnamon toast fuck is this


@ShadowJonathan Reddit is going down in flames & I can't stop laughing! 🤣🤣🤣

防空識別區ᴏᴜᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ:adm1::adm2: Please, god, I hope Reddit gets sued to all hell for this shit and gets made an example of.


@ShadowJonathan Man, I wonder how much they’re going to have to jack up the API rates to pay for all those lawyers.

♻ coca

@ShadowJonathan Never, ever, trust in capitalism.

:bonezone: anakita :bonezone:
@ShadowJonathan arent they also banning admins who are partaking in the blackout? lol
Ben Sahlmueller

@ShadowJonathan I hope so much that this is true…

Neon! :voidpunk_flag: yikes
i'm honestly impressed at how many big social sites seem hellbent on pushing their users away rn

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