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Michael Stanclift

@bflipp @MnemosyneSinger need to keep that clean. There is already a bunch of garbage at the bottom of the ocean.

Greenpete (No Flag)

@bflipp It's better for the environment if they go to the bottom of the sea, less pollution created.
@MnemosyneSinger @vmstan


@MnemosyneSinger This is pure, self-serving bullshit by Musk. This is how he imposes his personal agenda on the masses, and why he was willing to spend so much money on Twitter. It has nothing to do with any desire to create a profitable public square, and everything to do with his desire for a platform with a built-in audience to receive his agenda.

Green Hombre

@MnemosyneSinger I have a special fondness for memes that will only make sense for about 72 hours. That's riding the zeitgeist!



I think he should take a one-way trip to venus using his shiny rocket, accompanied by ChatGPT.

This way he would do us and himself a favour. >:]

John Baker (El Padrino)

@MnemosyneSinger Instead of visiting the Titanic, he can visit the charred remains of his failed rocket 🤣


Mr "free speech absolutist" Boy Howdy those "fuck yer feelings" people sure are a bunch of delicate little doilies.

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

@MnemosyneSinger ,

#ElonMusk Fragile Weak Revengeful Spiteful Ego'd :(

His NEVER Bought #Twitter.Com To Make It Free Speech For All, Free Speech, Freedoms, Mixed Voices/Views/Opinions, He Bought It To Push Toxic Right/Far Right CONservatism Ideologies Extremism Too Everyone's Twitter Timlines & Become: #RupertMurdoch / #Murdoch On: #SocialMedia Steroids 😞


@MnemosyneSinger on god, it's like he *wants* people to leave


@MnemosyneSinger 😂😂😂 Lets get him there expeditiously


@MnemosyneSinger LMAO just created my account and the first thing I see is a troon meme

John Ammerman

@MnemosyneSinger omg, that's the winning meme for me today.


@MnemosyneSinger @stavvers That's fine, the court ruled that Pedo Guy is a colloquialism in South Africa, so that's who he is now, the Pedo Guy™️ who owns Birdchan™️

Seeker (tm) (AI8W) ✡︎ :ally:

@MnemosyneSinger I mean, the way "cisgender" is used by /some/ non-cis people it kindof is a slur...
But, yeah.. If people could just treat each other the way they'd like to be treated, then the world would be a better place.

gavinisdie :troll:

@MnemosyneSinger petition to transfer the wealth of billionaires to Orcas lmao

def #nowar


And then you realise that it's perfectly justified

the happy leftist

@dettlaff just imagine 👀💭 if the roles 🥐🎢🛼 were reversed. 🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃

def #nowar

@MnemosyneSinger he would have been charged and cancelled, I think

the happy leftist

@dettlaff and wouldn't that be just awful for him. Anyway, trans people are being genocided. Have a nice day.


@dettlaff so one person complains about being called "cis" and you think it justified to ban it. Meanwhile trans people are called every slur under the sun and that cunt Musk does fuck all. Well done for defending him, what a truly noble thing to do.

def #nowar

@Starcross he's one - he's a minority, isn't that how it works?

Takiro 🎨

@dettlaff @MnemosyneSinger

Some people are just so effin stupid you wonder how they manage their daily lives.

def #nowar

@Takiro @MnemosyneSinger

Those who insult, I agree, are terribly stupid

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