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If you are Redditor, we would like to know your opinion: r/kde has been closed for several days to unsubscribed users in protest for the company's latest decisions. Should we open r/kde up now or wait? Tell us what you think by filling out the poll here:



Yes, we are looking into this. But getting 100,000 users to migrate will take time.

@kde @juanro49 Use reddit solely to advertise that you're getting out of there.

I think that’s the big issue with migration. I asked an admin at MusicBrainz about whether they should join the fediverse as the tools to sync up Discord/Twitter were getting borked by Elon (I think or Fosstodon wouldn’t mind picking them up) but they get more activity on Twitter. :\

Manu M

@kde Why not move to a decentralized alternative?



Yes, we are looking into this. But getting 100,000 users to migrate will take time.

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️
I myself is not a redditor, but this is a hard decision to make indeed. Did Reddit threaten to enforce a moderator override? If it does, the community can be subjected to hostile takeover ……


@kde it's a very hard choice. If I was in charge to decide, I'd say open it, but in a read only mode. No more new posts. Direct people to Lemmy/kbin for that. It'll only be open for accessing older posts. Since we all know a lot of the search results about fixing issues unfortunately leads to reddit.

Gamey :linux: :copyleft:

@hirad @kde That's probably a good approach if Reddit will tolerate it which is certainly debatable. It's certainly a hard choice but I think "continue as normal" would be a very bad decition and I hope the KDE community will swollow the bitter pill one way or the other and no longer allow the actual use of that Subreddit!


@kde well I deleted my account after the whole debacle, so I can't vote, but you probably know what I'd have voted anyway ;)

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@kde wait for Reddit to force your sub back open. It will definitely happen, and you'll have to decide whether continuing gift monetizable content and free moderation services to fuel Reddit's IPO is worthwhile.

Sean (TheOceanBreeze)

@rotopenguin @kde Wouldn't this be a violation of trademark law if KDE withdraws permission to use the brand?

Dustin Tungilik MacDonald

@kde 🤷‍♂️ Reddit is a company they are going to do company things. I think KDE can be on other platforms to reach more people. I mean leave if things get for real toxic. But, really right now most people in the Fediverse would be aware of KDE. KDE needs to be where it can attract more people.


@kde Stay shut IMO.

Like, I deleted my Reddit account when they got into crypto a good while ago, so KDE related problems I have currently have gone unsolved because the sub is closed off, and I still think it's the right thing to do.


@kde Please wait, and consider a presence on more open alternatives like Lemmy* 🙏 Now would be a great time to start the effort!

(* I'd avoid though)


@sigsegv Sies at de snuser litt på Lemmy og Kbin, men venter til de har funnet ut hvordan de skal migrere brukerene i Reddit-subben


@ridge Så bra! :D Spent på kva det blir ut av det!


@sigsegv Håper de finner ut av det! Har ikke prøvd de selv men har vært interessert i å gjøre det siden jeg sletta Reddit kontoen min i fjor (når de la til krypto-integrering eller no sånn der mannskjit)


@ridge Eg testa Lemmy for lenge sidan. Då var største instans, men den er moderert av tankies så mista litt smaken 😅 (det var litt mange småekstremistiske brukarar og). No er det langt fleire instansar der, og har inntrykk av at brukarbasen er litt meir variert og det er ein del interessante communities der 😁 Tenkte å prøva det ut litt meir!

KBin må eg nesten og prøve ut etter kvart!


@sigsegv Har hørt om sine problemer ja, men hva er egentlig dette ordet folk slenger hele tiden? Tankies?


@ridge @sigsegv Opprinnelig ein betegnesle på Marxist-Leninistar, men dei fleste eg ser i dag er eit merkelig opplegg... Dei snakkar om kommunisme og sosialisme, samtidig som dei støtter dei autoritære styrene i Russland og Kina, tilsynelatande uvitande om at desse landa ikkje er folkestyrte og har mindre sosial velferd og meir klasseskille enn land som Norge 🤷

Kjenner to som hadde ein sånn periode som unge, men som etter kvart innsåg at logikken ikkje hang heilt på grep 😅


@ridge @sigsegv Ser støtt og stadig sånne folk spre feilinfo og propaganda, typisk om korona og krigen i Ukraina. Vetsje kor mange eg har rapportert og blokkert no, men det begynner å bli ein del 😓

Alex 🇮🇹 💛 🇷🇺

@sigsegv @kde is run by the developers of Lemmy and it is focused on FOSS and privacy, it's perfect for KDE and there is already a community:

In case you heard accusations on Lemmy devs political ideas here there is a reply by them:

Wohao_Gaster :fatyoshi:

@kde I don't like the blackout because it just inconveniences the user

Alex 🇮🇹 💛 🇷🇺


Who cares, /r/kde is moderated by fanatics who are intolerant of other people and their opinions and that subreddit basically killed the good old KDE forum.


@kde run a poll on Reddit and take the results into consideration only is a certain percentage of active users have voted. Maybe min 50%. Is that doable?


@kde I was a Reddit user and am a member of the subbreddit but Reddit has been getting worse.

The point of the fediverse is KDE can and should run its own Mastodon and KBin instances which connect to everyone else. This grants user choice and kde control.

At the moment Reddit mods do a lot of unpaid work for Reddit. Reddit has made it clear they don't value that work.

Most users don't care about things unless it impacts them. So as long as Mods keep working... #kbin #reddit #kde

Danie van der Merwe

@kde as an ex-Redditor, I shut down my subreddit a few days back, and am just posting to Lemmy now in the open Technology community. But I'd certainly a KDE community on Lemmy. KDE is still my daily driver.


@kde I'd say make it read-only and for new posts direct people to Lemmy through sticky posts/comments everywhere

Xian Wang

@kde I appreciate the open stance on community ideas. How about merging with

Toran Shaw

@kde I haven't really been back to #Reddit at all, since the blackout. I'm kinda looking at #Lemmy though, as a replacement!


@kde Move to Kbin or Lemmy. Lots of people on there, especially the FOSS types. If anything, you'll probably get more engagement there in the long run.


@kde Can't vote since I deleted my #reddit account. Guess that kind of answers your poll. I'm on #lemmy now and the interactions seem to be more meaningful and less meme-y


@kde I think read-only is the best option. Because keeping It closed makes so some people searching for help on kde software can't access the answer if the answer is on Reddit

dodothedev :arch_linux:

No, move to a fediverse alternative and prove it's the way to go.



This is under consideration.

That said, we still have the problem of helping/convincing 100,000 users on Reddit to migrate.

In the meantime, we have for support, discussions and peer help.


@kde Turn the subreddit read-only and pin a post redirecting to an official Lemmy community.

Andy McCall :mastodon:

@kde keep it close, and move permanently to Lemmy.



Got to "Communities" in your instance and search for


Andy McCall :mastodon:

@kde I get nothing back at the moment, does it need turning off and back on again 😂



Maybe that instance has not federated with ours yet.

Try adding:


to the front. Worked on a few seconds after creating the instance, so may work with you.

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