I'm really happy with this “the way computers do math is weird" framing we arrived at -- I think it gets at why floating point weirdnesses and integer overflow can feel so upsetting (“it's MATH! it's supposed to behave how I EXPECT!”)
I'm really happy with this “the way computers do math is weird" framing we arrived at -- I think it gets at why floating point weirdnesses and integer overflow can feel so upsetting (“it's MATH! it's supposed to behave how I EXPECT!”) 5 comments
@benjohn yeah absolutely, it's fun to see something that I spent a lot of time learning about in math class ("the numbers modulo n”) have such a mainstream real-life application @benjohn yes indeed, with some clever tricks it can be quite useful in graphics! This is also what FastLED does: I like it when data is defined in a way that it naturally leads to very efficient code. |
@b0rk there's nothing like the joy of developing a great mental framework for thinking about a complex thing.