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Julia Evans

"How Integers and Floats Work" is coming out later this week! Here's the about page:

Julia Evans

I'm really happy with this “the way computers do math is weird" framing we arrived at -- I think it gets at why floating point weirdnesses and integer overflow can feel so upsetting (“it's MATH! it's supposed to behave how I EXPECT!”)

Michael W Lucas¹ :flan_mail:

@b0rk there's nothing like the joy of developing a great mental framework for thinking about a complex thing.


@b0rk I suppose it is weird, but I kind of like integer overflow. I like how it’s a big circle that goes round and round for ever. I remember it being useful sometimes for computer graphics in assembly. But it is mostly useless when we usually want numbers that do normal things!

Julia Evans

@benjohn yeah absolutely, it's fun to see something that I spent a lot of time learning about in math class ("the numbers modulo n”) have such a mainstream real-life application

Ayke van Laethem

@benjohn yes indeed, with some clever tricks it can be quite useful in graphics! This is also what FastLED does:

I like it when data is defined in a way that it naturally leads to very efficient code.


That was my favourite part of my numerical analysis and later discrete functions courses—the aspect of "so the rules we normally expect to apply _don't_, and here's how we can cope with that" helped understand so much about why things go wrong.


@b0rk I feel very, very, very proud that nothing about those examples feels weird to me anymore 😂 🤣

Jeremy Kahn


this header inspired some linguistic rumination about how you are able to drop small words ("[the way] computers do math [is] weird") but couldn't sacrifice "do", despite being the smallest of small words

because one has to do some extra work to make "math" work out as a verb in "[computers NN] [math VB] [weird ADV]" and instead it reads as three substantives "[computers NN] [math NN] [weird ADJ]", which reads like a list of tags #computers #math #weird

Jeremy Kahn


and also I love your helper cards; even when I think "oh I know that one" I always learn something new when I read them.

They are a gift.


@b0rk some CPUs do support binary-coded decimal, or even decimal floating-point! they're very uncommon in modern consumer systems, though


@rcombs @b0rk HP's oddball "Saturn" core says hi! It's *really* weird, being a 4-bit processor with mostly 64-bit registers. It's what ran their older graphing calculators, and a few of the newer ones were just a Saturn emulator on a small ARM SoC.


@b0rk Where will it be published/available? Really loved all the posts along the way, would be interested in picking up a copy 😊

JR Buckley 🏳️‍🌈⚛️

And I got in trouble for sneaking a SLIDE RULE into class.

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