@rysiek Some real transparency would solve a lot of this, most of the kerfuffle seems to be being caused by the lack of clarity and transparency. NDAs aren't going to help that and it sort of starts to create a priest class (with both power and secret knowledge that isn't transmitted) if we're going to talk about the social aspects of this. Communication issues and lack of clarity always give rise to speculation, especially if people are being looked down on by the newly forming priestly class! (To be clear, I'm using priestly class here to illustrate the social dynamics, I don't necessarily think any of whoever was involved in the meta talks was trying to become this at all, it's just what can happen when there's secret knowledge and people feel shut out.) It doesn't help that there's been some sneering at people who voice concerns (on either side of the forming divide).
@fifilamoura yes, this is the broader conversation, that I am not necessarily wanting to have in this particular thread. There's plenty of threads about that, I'd like this one to be about calming down, taking a step back, and taking a deep breath.