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Kee Hinckley

Reddit’s CEO, who claimed to want to emulate Musk, is doing an absolutely smashing job.

He forced some subreddits to open again, but of course he can’t force people to post what he wants.

r/steam users are now only posting articles about hot water vapor.
r/pics users are only posting sexy photos of John Oliver
r/gifs and r/Art are also limiting content to John Oliver.

Screen shot from r/Pics

Anyway, we - the so-called "landed gentry" - definitely want to comply with the wishes of the
"royal court," and they've told us that we need to run the subreddit in the way that its members want. To that end, we figured that the only reasonable thing to do was directly ask how you'd like things to progress from here.
Which of the following should we do?
• Return to normal operations
•Only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy
To be clear, if people choose the second option, screen-grabs from videos will be allowed (provided that there aren't any visible logos, inserted graphics, or other digital elements present). You could - if you wanted to - look through episodes of Last Week Tonight on YouTube, find moments featuring John Oliver at his sexiest, then post images of those moments here.
It's entirely up to you! Whatever the €9 r/pics community decides is best, we'll respect!
Vote, friends! Vote now!
(You can vote by upvoting either of the comments in the thread below.)
Voting has now closed.
Our final tally is as follows:
Return to normal operations: -2,329 votes
Only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy:
37,331 votes
It would seem that the community has spoken!
Mike McCaffrey

@nazgul Would love to see some subreddits adopt the rule "wrong answers only" to further drive down the value of search engines crawling or linking to the site.


@mikemccaffrey @nazgul Some of them are, I think one subreddit only allows posts that has at least one untruth in them, I think r/shitposting are banning random letters at random times, I've at least seen them banning 3 different letters at different times.

Jeremy Kahn


John Oliver's agent must be cycling between terror and glee at about 3 millihertz

Angry Centrist

@trochee @nazgul If he's been Oliver's agent for more than a minute, he's not even a little scared by this. 😎


@trochee @nazgul
In terms of frequency, that's super slow. But it actually 136 secs. So, it's actually reasonable for a real human.

Regis - HTTP 1.1/418 Teapot

@nazgul I am reminded of back in the early 00s, someone made an LJ community called something like “fuck-muslims” and almost immediately it was flooded with posts of, like, scantily clad models and various hot and sexy members of the faith.

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@nazgul he's right though, people will eventually give up. Just like how people claiming they'd quit Twitter end up staying, despite it being in a much worse state then Reddit.


@shipp Short term maybe, but the experience on Twitter gets worse every day, and I see more and more people just... leave. They don't necessarily come here but they just stop using it as much. Once trust is gone and friends fade, it's just a bunch of bots screaming at each other over the sounds of techbros hyping each other up for the next thing.


Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@reneestephen @nazgul I love seeing the new t-shirt bot meta pop up. I didn't even know that was a thing until I saw a video on it. Quitting Twitter was great for my mental health! Now I'm currently replacing Reddit with RSS feeds, and maybe using HackerNews too for some user curated news. As well as mastodon of course.

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@nazgul @reneestephen yes, I used it for a bit, but it's clearly not ready for prime time yet. Looks like you can explore groups (sublemmys ?), Lemmy user accounts, and even comment from Lemmy posts straight from Mastodon. That's really cool! Feels incomplete though because a lot of stuff doesn't load yet.


@nazgul The r/steam thing reminds me of users of Polish social site Wykop posting images of rhododendrons to complain about attempts to censor complaints about GDPR compliance (because the Polish abbreviation for GDPR is RODO).

Kee Hinckley

The creative noncompliance is pretty awesome. I just got the following from my daughter, Shadi.

(Also, I should note that the Fediverse version of Reddit, Lemmy, is seeing a big growth in subscriptions.)


Some other good ones: r/aww, r/shittymoviedetails, r/PokémonGo, r/forbiddensnacks - all John Oliver.

r/wellThatSucks only posts pictures of vacuums now (and some John Oliver)

r/egg_irl only allows eggs.

r/shitposting will delete your comment if it uses a specific letter, or if you’ve made a certain number of posts/upvotes that month (“to pwotec the delicate fwower known as weddits pwecious swervers from rampant overuse”)

r/memes will only allow memes about medieval/landed gentry (apparently the CEO called mods the landed gentry or smthing).

A lot of subs removed their specific guidelines and only go by reddit ToS now. Leading to things like -
r/3dshacks(“3DS Hacks”) now getting a ton of posts about “3D Shacks”. Or r/iOS full of posts like “Not getting calls when my phone is off?”, etc.

r/piracy made a post saying by forcing them to reopen, reddit has given a tacit endorsement for digital piracy.

r/scams is going to take 2 weeks to approve any posts.

And some communities are doing things like having users swear a ton so they can mark themselves as nsfw which kills ad revenue.

The creative noncompliance is pretty awesome. I just got the following from my daughter, Shadi.

(Also, I should note that the Fediverse version of Reddit, Lemmy, is seeing a big growth in subscriptions.)


Some other good ones: r/aww, r/shittymoviedetails, r/PokémonGo, r/forbiddensnacks - all John Oliver.


@nazgul All those John Oliver posts should be marked NSFW. Since he is a legit snack

MrCheeze :retro:

@nazgul That last one might be the best one yet. Make sure that subreddits that are forced open are totally unmonetizable.



Under no circumstances should anyone head on over to r/interestingasfuck which has gone full on NSFW and everything that's interesting about 'fucking' is allowed.

It's quite hilarious... but not for those with a more sensitive disposition.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@nazgul Personally, I'd set it and all posts to #archived and block any new postings so @internetarchive 's #WaybackMachine can #archive it fully before it's being deleted.

Also :reddit: pulling that move is propably actionable as extortion, but that's #NotLegalAdvice.



The calculation that some of the most literate, greatest polemicists on the internet would just shrug it off and resume business as usual was clearly not well informed.


@nazgul am I the only one that thinks this is still good content for #reddit?. I mean here we are talking about it. If people want to really protest something they should just stop using it. That's it. That requires no extra work unlike finding hot pictures of John Oliver. They'll do this for a while and slowly return to normal. Everyone is hating on #reddit CEO but he's right about the fact that this whole thing will blow over.

Kee Hinckley

@Bahadir > if people want to really protest something, they should just stop using it

That is *a* model of protest, however it ignores the network effect, general momentum issues, and the fact that the majority of people who don’t like the situation may want it fixed, but not enough to disrupt their social life.

It’s the digital equivalent of “If you don’t like the policies in your state, move”. Not everyone gets that option, and in any case, that doesn’t actually change the original issue, in fact often it makes it worse for those who stay.

Leaving is a great way to build new systems, but as a protest it doesn’t work because it’s not visible. What they are doing is *very* visible, and is building support.

> That requires no extra work unlike finding hot pictures of John Oliver

Leaving requires lots of work. New software. New people. Missing content.

Staying can be *fun*! But yes, protesting is work. Some of those moderators may also lose control of something they’ve been involved in for decades. They might even get banned. But they’re willing to do the work for something they believe in. Which is why

> They'll do this for a while and slowly return to normal. Everyone is hating on #reddit CEO but he's right about the fact that this whole thing will blow over.

that is not necessarily going to happen. Apparently they’ve already gained some small concessions. The longer they hold on, the more likely they’ll get more, because the cost to them is far less than the cost to Reddit. Union-style organizing *works*.

@Bahadir > if people want to really protest something, they should just stop using it

That is *a* model of protest, however it ignores the network effect, general momentum issues, and the fact that the majority of people who don’t like the situation may want it fixed, but not enough to disrupt their social life.


@nazgul Yup. Literally 'jumped ship' as part of the Reddit 'going dark' days and never looked back...


@nazgul The ultimate feedback loop would be John Oliver posting about it on his show. (And now you know how the conservative echo chamber works...)


@nazgul I coincidentally took Reddit off my phone a few days before it all went down, haven't gone back

EmberQuill :v_gf:

@nazgul John Oliver posted a bunch of photos of himself to his Twitter and said "have at it" to the Reddit protesters. I hope he's laughing his ass off at the whole thing.


@nazgul The unprivating is unfortunately still a benefit to Reddit since older posts can appear in Google search results again.

Toromino/Towo, kisser of boys :ambi: :vtrain: Communities are getting creative! All posts on r/wellthatsucks now must be about vacuum cleaners, and all comments can only be the phrase "Wellthatsucks" ​:nkogiggle2:​

Gergő László 🇭🇺

@nazgul i no longer have a Reddit account. My friends appear to no longer have Reddit accounts. Reddit was a harsh place to visit. I left before it became toxic like Twitter. I have a Twitter account by the way, but I only use it for porn.

Oliver Schafeld

Reddit's "landed gentry" should build a castle.

And call it Spamelot. 🥸🏰🥥🏇



I took a peek this morning and saw /r/videos is in on it now too.

> To that end, we will only be allowing the finest of videos to grace our subreddit’s queue ... Going forward, we will only allow videos featuring the one and only John Oliver. That’s right, Zazu himself is going to make up all of /r/Videos’ content going forward. We liked what our sister subreddit /r/Pics was doing, but in true /r/Videos fashion, we're going to do it 30 times per second instead.



I've actually boycotted Reddit for a week now... But reading about all of the fun responses to this whole thing makes me want to go back and join in.

I might even join a few new fucking subs to ruin some fucking ad revenue.

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