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Ian Brown :fedi:

@rra Hi! Good question 😀 I suspect it is a mixture of these factors and the fact interoperability can help new entrants to a market by overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem of how to encourage users to switch to a social networking service with no users

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@1br0wn Thank you! Meta is hardly an "entrant" in to social networks, however, and they have deep enough pockets that they can kick-start any new app they have by, for example, paying famous people to use it.

Therefore, I am trying to understand whether this move is preemptive compliance or a way to make regulation unnecessary (by demonstrating self-regulation)? Is there anything in the regulation discourse that would warrant that view, and what exactly?

It is unlikely that Meta will interoperate for the fun of it, as it brings many complications and threats, but also don't believe they need interop to bootstrap the userbase of their app? So what is the point here?

@1br0wn Thank you! Meta is hardly an "entrant" in to social networks, however, and they have deep enough pockets that they can kick-start any new app they have by, for example, paying famous people to use it.

Therefore, I am trying to understand whether this move is preemptive compliance or a way to make regulation unnecessary (by demonstrating self-regulation)? Is there anything in the regulation discourse that would warrant that view, and what exactly?

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