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Andy Piper

In case you’re not aware - I’m working with the Mastodon team on #DevRel and community 🚀

If you’re building a client on the #MastodonAPI I would love to get connected and help you stay up-to-date. Drop me a line and let me know what you’re working on! 🙏🏻

(pls boost for reach / tell the devs of your fave apps)

Adora (She/Her) :flag_transgender:

@andypiper I've been very casually playing with the concept, but I'm not really at anywhere worth talking about :)

David G. Simmons

@andypiper This is some of the best news I've read in a while! Congrats!


@andypiper I am a person who will use everything that's accessible, except mona, as it's expensive as hell.


@andypiper just sent you an email. I'm working on an android client app!


@andypiper I'm not sure about the future of #DOStodon, but just don't break DOS compatibility in the API and I'm happy 🤣

Andy Piper

@dec_hl do you know what "DOS compatibility" requires? It's such a cool project 😊


@andypiper well, most challenging is to work around unicode (#DOjS and therefore #DOStodon do not support unicode) and to support TLS.
the later is less a problem of the API but more of how the HTTP servers are configured.

Also: media types are problematic. Theoretically I could play back GIF animations, but because these are served as mp4 in Mastodon I can't do anything sensible.
Serving webp or other 'modern' image formats would be problematic as well...

Andy Piper

@dec_hl I mean I'm not aware of anything in the pipeline that would break those workarounds, will try to keep it all in mind.

Logan Severance

@andypiper Mammoth for IOS and IPadOS. Mona for Mac. Mammoth is available for Mac, however it’s still very touch oriented.

slade 🏳️‍🌈

@andypiper hey @paul @todd @mark @dimillian @MonaApp — in case y'all haven't seen this, just wanted to poke you and put it on your radars!

Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@sladewatkins @andypiper we are all familiar with Andy from his days at Twitter Dev Relations. ;-)

Jake Nelson

@cubeofcheese @andypiper @radiant I mean yeah cube pretty much covered it

I'm Jake and I'm working on @radiant launching this coming Monday for iPhone! Will flick you an email too, got some ideas it would be great to chat about and get some opinions on 😎

Andy Piper

@jknlsn thanks! I pre-free-ordered (?!) Radiant in the app store :-) will get to email replies tomorrow but thanks for connecting!

Jake Nelson

@andypiper thanks!

No worries on the email reply at all, nothing urgent just reaching out



Amazed for the fast switch Andy, I can imagine the struggles, thus now the joy, so towards it!

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