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War and Peas ๐Ÿงฟ

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Funny Guyver

@warandpeas True art, truly speaks to the soul *golf-clap* ๐Ÿง๐Ÿง

Kevin Hughes ๐Ÿ

@warandpeas i only found out the other day that the reason cats stare at you when they're in their box is because they're in a vulnerable position and are watching to see if you react to any threats. It makes me feel very slightly better about it!

Steve Frenzel

@warandpeas here's the #AltText for your picture:

A comic illustration showing a woman and a man sitting on a bed. She's saying "He'll be done in a minute".

Next picture shows a cat staring at them.

The man says "He's making eye contact."

She replies "He's establishing dominance. Don't look away."

#accessibility #a11y #disability #LowVision #blind


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