@jaredwhite Wasn't it your job, 18 years ago, to be smart enough to not place the "largest data sets of human beings talking about interesting stuff" in a walled garden like that?
I don't understand all that crying. Reddit can do those things, like Facebook and Google can, whenever they want, whatever they want. And you knew that beforehand. But decided to go there anyways. So, what's the point? You (not I) were actually just data sets to be mometized. Sure. What else? Deal with it! ;)
@pino Most of the early "Web 2.0" services made a big deal about being by the people, for the people. Photographers posted their photos on Flickr because they believed Flickr genuinely cared about the photography community. Even now, a commercial service such as YouTube pays lip service to being creator-centric, even if by and large they're almost as enshittified as anything else.
Now with Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc., crapping all over their own communities…that's a newer phenomenon.