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Christian Selig

Well, at least Reddit has admitted their "we're not trying to be like Twitter/Elon" stuff was false


@fedicat @christianselig it is at once repulsive and arresting, morbidly fascinating like rotting fruit. Overall, Steve Huffman: massive spanner. That’s the verdict chaps.

Eshu Marneedi

@christianselig Can't even get their lies straight. Of course.

Fuck u/spez.

Johnny Peligro
@EshuMarneedi @christianselig im afraid the strategy worked for spez. they own the platform after all. i expect that after the pricing for api comes, most people will rrmain on reddit
Trevor :aim_logo:

@christianselig It boggles the mind how someone could look at Twitter and say: "Yes, that's what we should do too."


@trevorparker @christianselig he decided that selling of content to AI makers was more profitable than supporting new content generation

Jimmy Hoke :tardis:

@trevorparker @christianselig It used to boggle mine too. Then I met the people who go to my university's school of management.

ZYKLΘP 🧑‍💻 🌲🖤❤️✊🌳

I have an anonymous account to lurk into the right wing bubble, to understand how they work, think and what they believe.

Where is the bubble, that teaches me/us how someone get to a situation where he looks at Twitter and thinks „that’s what we should do“

#Reddit #Reddark


@christianselig Maybe they had meetings where #Reddit realized they were worth three times what they felt they should be worth.


@christianselig wonder what investors think that the CEO straight up lies, how would that look to investors after IPO’ing?


@T41 @christianselig they don't care. Investors only care about will this make them money.

Camiel Hirschberg

@christianselig At this point, I can't wait for the IPO to go through and huff being voted out (if he doesn't already just sell all stock and leave) and new CEO doing a course correction to stop the massive churn.

Joe B

@iwamoto @christianselig I would comeback to Reddit if u/spez was voted out and they made a correction on third party apps like Apollo. I would keep my mastodon and lemmy account and be active on all three


@christianselig tl;dr "Yeah actually I lied earlier, I actually really like money"


"A lot of opportunity here..." yeah to do the right thing.

Sadly, the *right* thing would be to provide profit share in some way. But the next best thing would be to leave the API people alone. Let them build a merchant stand inside your Kingdom.

Dean, Steven

@christianselig An app like Apollo gaining support for the new federated communities like kbin would do a lot to drive growth, which would snowball to user migration. I know it’s not that simple, and that you’re already thinking about that, but I figured I’d add an upvote to the idea.

Camiel Hirschberg

@deancommasteven @christianselig That would actually be a great move, just as with previous events, have a little startup message letting people know kbin is a great alternative.

Dean, Steven

@iwamoto @christianselig Absolutely. I figure Ivory drove a lot of growth here.


@christianselig Twitter 🤝 Reddit 🤝 Dumpster Fires

NewbGoob :prami:

@christianselig makes me sick that Huffman looks up to Musk.

Randomstickman :krita:

@christianselig the concept of someone looking at Twitter and said "yup, that looks good" is so alien to me

Marg Eliz :verified:

@christianselig It’s not like we didn’t know the truth. Why hide it anyway? Of all the newer options out there like Post, Spoutible, Counter Social, etc and Mastodon, I like Mastodon the best. I only really used Reddit when I found Apollo. I seldom check in anymore. How a platform is run matters to me. Not interested in Twitter or Reddit anymore.


@christianselig Why don't you just stop being poor and drop 20mil whenever we feel like it to bring users to our site because we can't be bothered making it functional?


@christianselig I get the impression spez has been bottling up a lot of his personal opinions on social media that he knew were unpopular and kept quiet.

Now he's pissed and finally decided to rip off the mask. He probably doesn't realize how much of a 180 pivot it is.

Reddit needs a new CEO.


@christianselig “Agressive cost cutting” like laying off 75% of your workforce and not paying your bills. I never knew that acting as if your company is insolvent was a sound business strategy. We all have our role models, I guess.


@christianselig something tells me Steve didn’t get enough milk when he was younger. He sounds like he has a fragile skeleton.


@christianselig Yeah uh, I deleted my accounts when the internal memo circulated and literally everything that has come out since then has reassured me that was the right move.

Huffman trying to be diet Musk has convinced me to just blacklist reddit entirely.

alex yuletide

@christianselig Imagine seeing Elon destroy twitter and piss off the entire world and thinking "Hey, that's a great idea."

Just insane shitbrain stuff.


@christianselig When will someone get around to flushing Facebook and all its evil spawn down the same toilet?


@christianselig did not have this on my “Reddit dumpster fire” bingo. Seems like I missed a big one.


@christianselig This saga gets stranger and more irritating with each and every turn.


@christianselig no surprise.
What Reddit's CEO is overlooking is, these are very different platforms. Reddit has hyper focus communities, clearly separate from others. Basically forums.
While Twitter is a constant stream of whatever the hive mind considered relevant for Twitter at that moment. Its no longer even that, just Elon's personal website.

Dr. Mantis Teabaggin

@christianselig How anybody with more than half of a brain cell looks at what elon has done with twitter and thinks “Yeah, I should emulate that” is beyond me.


@christianselig Twitter is worth a third of what it was before Musk took over. What part of that remotely hints at a “really good business model?”


@christianselig effin’ A. I think the picture is slightly more complicated, I think the people who talked to you initially were still trying to do things in good faith and they expressed that to you, but little did they know that their management had no such intention and would just override them.

welkin ga 📌 💧⚖️

@christianselig there you go 🤣 they took the Elon route. Rest in piece, Reddit.

Rob Lisenko

This will age about as well as a 1990’s CEO of Sears praising the foresight of the CEO of Blockbuster.

No Fun Berg

@christianselig I’m using Apollo to delete all my Reddit posts. One by one. Really hammering their API, should cost them a few billion.


@christianselig good grief, i knew he was in over his head but the man is really going headfirst into nutjob town isn't he?


@christianselig it takes a very special type of brain (not a good type) to look at current Twitter and think that's a good formula to copy.


@christianselig oh my god this is so embarrassing. What a fucking tool.

Adam B

I can't think of a worse person to emulate.
Soon they’ll stop paying contractors, rent, and everybody else.
I guess we wait for the next reddit?


@christianselig Unless ol' boy also comes from an inexhaustible supply of blood money from a family enterprise, he'd be unwise to emulate his birbsite pal.

MB 🎮

@christianselig I wonder if Reddit is already expecting and prepared for some kind of pushback from advertisers similarly to what happened with Twitter.

Either way, this is unfortunate.

Best thing that can happen is people end up not using Reddit and move to something else.


@christianselig I would definitely post this on the Apollo app subreddit to make sure it gets the furthest possible reach


@christianselig no fucking way. Spez is just absolutely so self unaware. It’s almost tragic.

Jason Cox

@christianselig Man, I have nothing to say about that guy that wouldn’t get me banned from this Mastodon instance.

Zima Peru

@christianselig Reddit has been primed for right-wing takeover for awhile now. I think people credit Twitter with more of what The_Donald did.

𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕙

@ZimaPeru @christianselig I sort of gather that Alexis was interested in banning t_d early on and Steve was for keeping it (he was already a red pilled bunker boy by then) which is why Alexis separated himself and has maintained radio silence on it all since.

Chloe Tse :BlobhajSadReach:

Called it! How they handled the whole thing from the start, even clumsily falling over their own lies and threats just stinks of Musky flavoured ego.


@christianselig I for one am surprised he could pull his head out of his ass long enough to get advice from anyone.


@christianselig Truly a master class in unforced errors. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mr. Selig, I'm waiting with baited breath to see what you do next.What you accomplished with Apollo was nothing short of game-changing...I occasionally dipped my toe in to /r before you showed up and I fully engaged when there was a way to do so in an enjoyable manner. I sincerely hope you have plans for the future and I can't wait to see what they are.


@christianselig I suspected that there was some hero imitation going on by spez with the way he was acting very musk-like (not in a complimentary way...) in his recent public (and leaked private) statements.

nickapos oh dear, where is my facepalm emoji, oh here it is 🤦‍♂️

Dingus Krampus

@christianselig :KEKW: Learning to run a decent site into the ground anyways


@christianselig talk about learning all the wrong lessons…


@christianselig Oh ffs like we need another Musk. One is already too much. What’s wrong with these people???


@christianselig Imagine looking at how Elon handled the Twitter purchase and the immediate changes he implemented and thinking, yep that's a great idea.

All Reddit staff should be worried.


@christianselig did somebody point out to Huffman that Twitter lost 65% of its value* since they took the dramatic road?

*just money; they won't care about human values.

Joe Original

@christianselig All the tech bros will be following Musk’s example and monetizing every facet of their platform in preparation for billions to be made through AI data harvesting, while predicting that AI will destroy the world in 2029 like that movie they saw as a kid, and taking time out to vote for RFK Jr., who warned us about all this somehow.

Merijn 👨‍💻:mastodon:

@christianselig how is he seeing that immense train wreck, and concludes "well, that's what we're gonna do!" 😐

Carighan Maconar

@christianselig Huffman is also trying to make half his personal wealth poof?

Paolo Amoroso

@christianselig The leaders of the major social platforms are slowly realizing the vast majority of users effectively tolerate infinite abuse.

Johan 💎

@christianselig if you praise aggressive lay offs you’re dead inside. A broken human being

Richad A a clear reason not to use Reddit. That’s a toxic culture. It will percolate down.

Timo Zimmermann

@christianselig @Gargron you know a company is in trouble when a CEO calls another company’s strategy who just got evicted from their offices and is close to have their cloud provider account closed for not paying invoices a success you can learn from…


@christianselig What a joke this saga has been. I should say that the lack of professionalism they've shown surprises me, but I've seen how they conduct themselves during other controversial events, and the surprise magically goes away.

Design by Adrian

@christianselig Huffman knows that Elon has no experience with running a social platform, right?


@designbyadrian @christianselig Steve has a stellar track record with helming Reddit too, so you can see why he thinks Elon is someone worth emulating.


@christianselig WTF is Reddit and who's Steve Huffman. I know only one Huffman with brains -->


@christianselig How to sink your company before the IPO.

Bye, reddit! ✌️


@christianselig yeah my mind is officially blown. How detached from reality do you have to be to think Musk did a good job


@christianselig Elon is literally the worst businessman.. why follow his example. He had some very good investments which made him rich but running a business? Please

Steve Williams

@maskedman @christianselig
Waiting for his rap throw down at the Investor’s meeting.



We do not need a business, we need a service…


@christianselig wow praising the guy who overpaid to take Twitter private and now steers it full steam ahead toward bankruptcy should really inspire confidence for Reddit's forthcoming IPO!

CauseOfBSOD :fediverse: They are actually looking at Twatter and deciding that they want to make the same mistakes?

T.J. Crowder


Astonishing that _anyone_ thinks Musk's work at Twitter has been positive in any way. Even financially -- is that awful platform really going to start earning back the -- what -- $22bn he's lost on it so far?

Link to the article if anyone wants it:


Learning from some one else's mistake? Unpossible!!

The Animal and the Machine

@christianselig @DataDrivenMD
These CEO’s think people are idiots, which makes them idiots.

If you want to talk deals, it’s either
a) I give freely into the public domain and expect everything to be in the public domain.
b) You pay people who add value and we all have a commercial relationship.

In some ways I’m pleased this control is exposed, but it didn’t have to be this way.

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