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Wolfie 🐺

@marcamos a really great range of eye issues represented there though nothing for my issue, being unable to read light text on a dark background, which seems to be due to astigmatism

Marc Amos

@wolfie Blah, that's sad to hear. I've read about that, yeah.
From your experience, is it as simple as "don't build with white-on-black?" Or, are there other high-contrast color combinations that are as bad for astigmatism?

Wolfie 🐺

@marcamos it generally seems to be the darker the background the worse the effect, I get blurry vision, haloing and after burn when I try to read dark themes, it's caused by there being less light entering the eye due to the predominantly dark screen so then the pupils dilate to compensate which means it's harder to get the text to be in focus

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