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Marc Amos

Today I discovered and I wanted to yell it to the world, but 56 people will have to do.

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@marcamos holy trinity boost, favourite, bookmark! Thank you

moved to

@marcamos it’s wonderful, I’ve known it for some time too

Marc Amos

@daria There are probably so many more cool tools I don’t know about.

Henry Wilkinson

@marcamos @daria is an actually good one that uses a perceptually based algorithm for calculating a contrast score. Current WCAG is actually pretty garbage (though AFAIK the next version will adopt a very similar system to this! The future, but now!)


@marcamos Bookmarking this!

And maybe I can offer another in exchange. I use COBLIS for graphics testing:

It's geared to simulating colorblindness for whole images. Both might be useful for different reasons.


@bluestarultor @marcamos

There is an updated version, that offers improved algorithms, here:

Happy you find it useful.

Shannon Kay

@marcamos This is really cool. I'm going to send it to my color blind family members.


@marcamos That's a good one - Lots of details on different user types. I think my favourite for formulating (rather than just checking) is still

Marc Amos

@iaintshootinmis I gotta remember that when I think “I bet I’m the last person to know/find this,” I’m usually wrong.

Darwin Woodka

@marcamos Kind of disagree for the red text on black, though. I find it very hard to see.

jay :v_gay: :v_greyace:

@wendy @tshirtman @marcamos @fdroidorg You can emulate colorblindness natively on Android. Enable developer settings (by going to system info and pressing device build number 5 times usually), then in developer settings find "Simulate color space". From there you can choose a type of colorblindness/deficiency and it'll change your entire display to that, including for apps and the camera.

Trevor Van As

@marcamos Thanks for sharing! This will come in very handy.


@marcamos Wow nice, dodn't know that. Thanks a lot!

Daniel Bohrer

@marcamos what a great page! And kudos for this paragraph on the bottom left!

Luke Channings

@marcamos this is nice. It’d be useful to have something like this for a design system, so you can easily test whether multiple button types (e.g. primary, secondary, etc) have contrast with each other, even if they pass when they’re standalone.


@marcamos But those 56 will boost to another 56, and they to another, and I don't find the original Dune quote to finish the toot with its full inspirational potential.

ari :prideified:

@marcamos One nice trick is that you can paste your rgb(a) definitions in there (eg. rgba(49,53,67,.95)) and it'll convert them to hex (stripping the alpha part, but that's understandable)


@marcamos You might discover some other useful on (I maintain it).

Previously, Alice Werefox

@marcamos holy shit, this is exactly what I wanted when I was looking for ways to help make my own site more accessible, thank you. Tools like this are so useful in helping devs understand how to make the web more accessible.


@marcamos here’s another great one for anyone else doing data visualisation and wanting to test palettes for being colourblind safe 😊 #rstats #dataviz

Seth Pilgrim

@marcamos this tool is in my faves since i discovered it last year !

QuickQuokka (#1 YiiK Fan 🥇)

@marcamos My Wikipedia signature scored AAA on everything except direct sunlight, where it got AA


@marcamos *trying to create text invisible to one of my partners* :>

augmented jungle

like to see that my current color combination works (AA rating only in direct sunlight )

Kelvin n0mql EN35ld

Thank you for this.

The moment I saw this, I thought "Crap, there's one customer with links in the footer of their login page that I bet wouldn't do well here."

Yeah. 100% fail.

Opened an issue, and am adjusting the colors to pass at least most of them.

stereo griever

@marcamos I actually love this little detail as well, I hope they don't change it

Kite 🌌


Pretty interesting tool.
But I wouldn't consider this a "fail":

Wolfie 🐺

@marcamos a really great range of eye issues represented there though nothing for my issue, being unable to read light text on a dark background, which seems to be due to astigmatism

Marc Amos

@wolfie Blah, that's sad to hear. I've read about that, yeah.
From your experience, is it as simple as "don't build with white-on-black?" Or, are there other high-contrast color combinations that are as bad for astigmatism?

Wolfie 🐺

@marcamos it generally seems to be the darker the background the worse the effect, I get blurry vision, haloing and after burn when I try to read dark themes, it's caused by there being less light entering the eye due to the predominantly dark screen so then the pupils dilate to compensate which means it's harder to get the text to be in focus

Aeryn Lynne

@marcamos What?! Awesome! Thanks for the heads up. 😍


@marcamos Huh, interesting. I tried to create the "worst case scenario" for Protanomaly and it somehow scores *better* than Regular Vision there? I Guess my naive intuition about how color blindness works is way off (or the tool is).

Jenny Andrew

@marcamos +1 from an #actuallyautistic person who can see those monstrous colour palettes, but genuinely wishes she couldn’t.

Carlos Solís
@marcamos Make it 57 thanks to the magic of retooting

@marcamos @tcit Contrast Ratio 15.46:1 / WCAG Grading AAA on my blog without even thinking about it :p

I normally use WebAIM but this is really nice!

cc: @jolierouge @nikluz
ChasMusic (he/him)

@marcamos, a tool to view colors as seen by people with different vision abilities #accessibility

Teapot Ben

@marcamos thanks for sharing. Looks like a very useful tool.

DK - Scout Craft Studios

@marcamos 56 people, but it looks like I was the 250+th person to boost it. So yeah: good find and great work getting it out there!

a quiet misdreavus

LB: if anyone wants to extend with the color-blindness math that that site links to, that would be cool 👀

Elias Mårtenson

@marcamos I'm disappointed that sir doesn't show what it looks like with astigmatism.


Oh thank you! I have actually been looking for something exactly like that


@marcamos As one of the 0.05% of the population (apparently) with complete Achromatopsia, it does feel nice to be included!


@marcamos I had no clue something like this existed, but that's awesome. Not useful for me specifically but there's clearly a use case it meets.


@marcamos omg, the favicon even updates as the colors do

Carly Richmond

@marcamos this is awesome! I'm terrible a picking contrasting colours and need this tool in my life. Thanks for sharing! 😀

Carsten Becker

@marcamos Cool page. One often overlooked issue it doesn't take into account, though, is that e.g. dark red text among black text doesn't particularly stand out for protanomalous people like me, even though red on white isn't a problem per se. #colorblindness

The Bellman

@marcamos that is very cool. Thanks for sharing

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