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Robert Boler

@aral Agreed. But just so folks watching at home don’t feel completely helpless, can you also post actions that you see as valuable? Political organizing? Competing products/services to support instead?


@rcbo @aral most important thing is political organising and protesting. Your personal consumer choices aren't likely to have much impact. Green party in the UK for example is almost entirely volunteer driven and always needs more help. Just a few extra hand campaigning in an area can swing an election, especially local politics.

Daniel Quinn

@Sammurraysutton @rcbo @aral I've had a very hard time with the Greens here in the UK. They opposed nuclear, and Lucas was especially loony with her Guardian op-ed about how men can't be trusted to lead. It was... alienating to say the least.

With Corbyn ousted though, I'm now struggling to find a party worth voting for. Can you sell me on the Greens?


@Sammurraysutton @rcbo @aral if your household income is above about US$100k/year, your spending choices are probably as important as your political choices - maybe even more so.


@rcbo @aral Smash capitalism! Disown companies! Eat the rich!


@rcbo @aral
Sow the seeds for a communist takeover


@bwada @rcbo @aral democratic socialism yes, communism no :-)


@wall0159 @rcbo @aral
But in reality capitalism doesn't allow democratic socialism, so it's just a fantasy without power structures that explicitly represent proletariat interests first and foremost.

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