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Thomas 🔭✨

If modern games came on 360k floppy disks, Diablo IV would be about 220,000 disks, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 close to 900,000.

Pusher Of Pixels

@bitboxer @thomasfuchs the instructions never said to remove disk 1 so YOLO

Elias MÃ¥rtenson

@thomasfuchs I looked up the size of the stack of punch cards needed for some common things. The cards themselves are quite thick, so the volume needed for a rather small amount of data is more than you might think.

A standard container fits a few MB if I remember correctly? Or maybe GB?

Peter Bindels

@loke @thomasfuchs Punch card containers hold 2000 cards, a card holds effectively 80 bytes or 80 * 12 bits of raw data. That's 160kB per punch card box of effective data.

A punch card takes about 10% of the space (volumetric wise) of a 360k floppy disk though, making it about 450x less information dense. Storing MS Flight Sim on punch cards would therefore take about 20-30 regular sized houses.

Elias MÃ¥rtenson

@dascandy42 @thomasfuchs Except for the fact that the volume of a "regular house" depends highly on where you live, it does sound legit. Thanks for the calculation.

Peter Bindels

@loke @thomasfuchs It's why I used the range. I assumed a house would be between 400 and 600 cubic meters, corresponding to ~100-150 square meters or 1100-1650 square feet.

And yes, that's wrong for some regions, but I think average-ish.


@thomasfuchs this is why we prefer double sided high density floppy disks…

Rich Felker

@thomasfuchs That's about how inconvenient downloading them is. Handling that many floppies might even be preferable. 🤦 Games are so dead to me because of this shit.


@thomasfuchs damn can't find disk 189654, guess i have to ship back the game

f♯ a♯ ∞

@thomasfuchs and errr what's the best transfer rate achievable by these floppies ? 😂

Peter Bindels

@thomasfuchs Flight Sim: So that's about a 3.5 x 3.5 meter room stacked to the ceiling - 12 by 12 foot stacked 8 foot high for the Americans.

A L Katz

@thomasfuchs And, boy-oh-boy, would loading that onto your computer be TEDIOUS!

Pusher Of Pixels

@thomasfuchs old enough that I once received a customer database backup on 200+ 5.25" to 'fix'

Григорий Клюшников

Never used the large floppies but remembering how infuriatingly slow the 1.44-MB ones were, it would take months to install, even if you don't count the time you'll spend swapping disks.

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