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Ben Sahlmueller

@feditips @pfefferle It works really well. Even answers to the feid posts are synced as comments to the WordPress posts.

See e.g. @photos

(You can search for the link in the fediverse, not sure it appears for you, that probably depends on wether your instance has federated with my homepage already.)

Matthias Pfefferle

@b3n @feditips @photos nice! would be nice to also have the upvotes. time to work on boosts, upvotes, likes, ... ;)

I think I never get bored working on the plugin ;)

Ben Sahlmueller

@pfefferle @feditips @photos Oh, that would be amazing!

How is it with comments, they are currently synced one layer deep, right? (at least it seems that’s what my blog is doing.)

Anti-spam is dealt with by de-federating with content mills I assume?

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