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Matt Waldeck

@christianselig I guess I'm out of the loop, what's happening at Twitch now?


@Gediren @christianselig they announced an advertisement policy (I think technically existed before but wasn't enforced) which restricted burn-in ads in streams.


@Gediren @christianselig twitch was upset streamers made a living by having sponsors pay them to display banner ads or other inserts streamers do.
Here's a video on all the details

Twitch did back pedal a bit to save themselves from more embarrassment.

Edit: fixed a word.


@thepoliticalcat @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig an egg corn is a misused phrase that still works, such as ex-patriot instead of expatriate and upmost instead of utmost. So in this case back paddling is not the original phrase but works anyway, and is a nice one because it makes more sense if they're in "hot water"


@pidgeon_pete @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig Ah! Like a mondegreen for song lyrics! I've never heard that term before. Must go look it up.


@thepoliticalcat @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig a little, though. If we're talking about them I personally like malaphors, but we can burn that bridge when we get to it


@pidgeon_pete @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig Don't tell me - they're a cross between "malapropism" and "metaphor?"

Callie replied to thepoliticalcat

@thepoliticalcat @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig I think it's just mal as in bad smushed up with metaphor. It's deliberately mixed up metaphors like the road to hell wasn't paved in a day. Do you get the feeling we've gone off topic a little?

thepoliticalcat replied to Callie

@pidgeon_pete @billcipher @Gediren @christianselig Ah. As for going off topic, my loving spouse assures me he's hard put to keep up since I reliably bounce between topics, but in what direction, alas! Even I cannot say. Were you regretting the fall down the rabbithole? I learned a few new things.

Callie replied to thepoliticalcat

@thepoliticalcat I think I concern myself overly with other people being irritated by my ramblings. I get a little enthusiastic about the oddest of things.

thepoliticalcat replied to Callie

@pidgeon_pete Well, join me in throwing fears to the wind and erring with wild abandon! We've only got one life to live, right, might as well enjoy the fuck out of it.


@billcipher @Gediren @christianselig Hey! I work hard to remain a Member in Good Standing of the Alt-Write! (We used to be Grammar Nazis, but, you know, who wants to be a Nazi, even in fun, any more?)


@thepoliticalcat @Gediren @christianselig
I didn't knew alt-write was the new word for grammatical corrections.
Thanks for being nice about my lack of grammatical error checking.


@billcipher @Gediren @christianselig Thanks for being such a thoroughly nice person yourself! It's a play on words. Here, we call Nazis "the Alt-Right," so we're still the awful people who will attack you about misspelling or misused punctuation, but we will avoid the open association with Nazis.

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