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Tsutsuku (he/they)

@4d3fect @krishean @chrisisgr8
I find it hard to believe that the Universe is "for" anything or has a reason. It just kinda is.


@Tsutsuku @4d3fect @krishean @chrisisgr8

It’s funny you say this. It’s what I’ve believed since I was a kid. I think my Catholic upbringing pushed me in that direction.

I began to suspect the nuns in Catechism were full of it when I wanted to know how they knew the Virgin Mary was really a virgin. They told my mother that if I asked anymore questions, I’d be thrown out. That’s when I knew something was off.

I was 8yrs old for chrissakes.

Tsutsuku (he/they)

@Aleggra @4d3fect @krishean @chrisisgr8
Yeah, I had some god-awful (hah) experiences growing up with Christian fundamentalists myself. I've heard it said a dozen times but it bears repeating, there is no hate like Christian love

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