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@andreasm @chrisisgr8

Last week I had to go to my local library to print three single-page PDF documents, as my Linux PC at home doesn't have a printer.

The library has Windows PCs - an O/S I haven't touched in at least a decade. It wasn't a pleasant experience.

Started well - logged in using my library card & PIN. Opened the first PDF file in Adobe Acrobat & sent it to the printer.

Then I tried to open the 2nd document:

"Adobe Acrobat is updating - please wait."

So I waited a couple of minutes, then tried opening the PDF again:

"Reboot the computer to finish the Adobe Acrobat update."

WTF? You have to reboot Windows after a 3rd-party software update? The only time I ever have to reboot my Linux PC is after a major system update such as the kernel or desktop environment.

So I had to reboot the PC, re-login & send the final 2 documents to the printer.

A simple, less than 1 minute job of printing 3 pages took me almost 10 minutes. What a frustrating operating system!

It also made me think of Star Trek (if the Enterprise used Windows). Good luck if the shields or weapons systems decide to do an automatic update when being brought online just after 3 Klingon birds-of-prey drop out of warp right next to the Enterprise.


@scandrof Heh, I legit wrote a short story based on this kind of premise years ago. Complete with the unhelpful tech support guy trying to get things back up and running in the middle of space combat.


@scandrof @andreasm @chrisisgr8 I used to do embedded systems programming back when the world was young and we wouldn't have anything to do with operating systems. Bare metal (silicon, actually, but metal seemed cooler)
Forth was the thin end of the wedge.

:wee: Adzy :wee:

@scandrof That's why we don't ue Windows for critical tasks... oh wait.

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