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Jason Bowen

@lake How do artists feel about doing this kind of "simple" black line work?

There's some simple black line stuff that I've been thinking about, but I think about proposing it to an artist my gut feel is that they'd find it boring and uninteresting.


@jbowen it totally depends!

I personally loved doing this tattoo- there was nothing boring about it for me at all, it felt just as engaging as a more illustrative design.

I think some might shy away from doing designs like this because doing all the long, straight lines is pretty challenging… i just like going hard mode on everything…

i would look for an artist that already has more abstract designs in their portfolio already and go from there!

Jason Bowen

> doing all the long, straight lines is pretty challenging

That was my guess and why I put "simple" in quotes :)

And thank you for sharing your thoughts and work!

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