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fedi :fediverse:

Statistics relating to the to the fediverse can be seen in real time by following @threadcount

numbers of new accounts on and every hour

at least 14,000 new accounts in the last 24 hours!! rivalling mastodon whose can be found here: @mastodonusercount

seems to be a service provided by @dansup of Pixelfed fame

related: subreddits going dark:


@fedi @threadcount @mastodonusercount @dansup Users should also check the mirrors of reddark because the main site seems to be out of date and only shows a binary public/private.

reddark-digitalocean-7lhfr.ond has restricted in yellow and 200 more sub's on their list

Richard Grant

@fedi @threadcount @mastodonusercount @dansup Interesting that the United States is still swamped by Europe in user numbers. Kind of crazy numbers from Finland

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