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Flippin' eck, Tucker!

@newsorpigal @ernest Lemmy has been around for quite a while and there are many instances of it.

kbin is still in an alpha phase, you can see from the (single) developer's roadmap here


"Currently, I am at stage 1/2/3."

Where stage 3 is basically "get an alpha release working".

Stage 7 was going to be "Prepare for stable release" and I think he expected to get there maybe around the end of this year.

And then all of a sudden, the whole of Reddit decides to register for an account on his small, very-early prototype server!


@losttourist @ernest

I just don't see the point of kbin when lemmy works so well. I guess friendly competition is good for both.

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

@newsorpigal @ernest Quite apart from the ethical issues many people have with Lemmy, I found its user interface really unintuitive, whereas the moment I tried to use kbin it just clicked with me.


@losttourist @ernest

I'm not an American or live in the Western world, so I guess I don't get the controversy or the drama around Lemmy. The people in Lemmy seems like an ordinary bunch of people.

Flippin' eck, Tucker!

@sabbatical @newsorpigal @ernest I believe the developers, and so the original Lemmy instance, were Stalinist-style Communists and were very quick on the banhammer for anyone criticising their political worldview. In particular banning anyone who took Ukraine's side when the war started last year.

Obviously many good software projects have been developed by people with all sorts of questionable political views, but the Fediverse has a long memory and a lot of other servers distrust all Lemmy instances because of that.

@sabbatical @newsorpigal @ernest I believe the developers, and so the original Lemmy instance, were Stalinist-style Communists and were very quick on the banhammer for anyone criticising their political worldview. In particular banning anyone who took Ukraine's side when the war started last year.

Obviously many good software projects have been developed by people with all sorts of questionable political views, but the Fediverse has a long memory and a lot of other servers distrust all Lemmy instances...


@losttourist @sabbatical @ernest

That's the beauty of federation, right? If you don't like the moderation, you can just go to another instance.


@sabbatical @losttourist @ernest

I don't know. People keep saying there is one, but I don't see it.

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