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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Not to alarm anyone, but is growing faster than did after twitter-gate...

I clearly need to start thinking about scaling

Dr. Sbaitso

@jerry It's pretty wild, but at the same time I don't recall any functional Twitter outages like Reddit is enjoying right now.

AGTMADCAT :verified:

@jerry Wait are you running multiple Reddit replacements? I signed up for last night, do I need to go do another one?

Cody Dostal :unverified:

@AGTMADCAT @jerry Yeah, he's running and You don't need to move unless you want to.

Adam Dalliance

@jerry This is not alarming! It seems to be holding up okay. Really just the lack of media-uploads affecting me so far.

Ray Canzanese

@jerry Man, I can't keep up with all these new platforms as a user. I don't know how you are doing it as an admin!


@jerry Do you think it's a temporary push and then it'll calm down after the initial reddit panic subsides? I'm wondering if most instances give it 3-5 months and then do a purge of users that only logged in during that initial month and save a lot of space/bandwidth/userdata.

Alan Miller :verified_paw:

@jerry if the model of an instance roughly corresponding to a single subreddit holds then it'll likely cap out sooner. If federation truly takes off spam filtering is likely to be an issue since instances won't automatically know what content has already been posted elsewhere. Rate limited posting with slowly increasing limits and monitoring for changes in posting patterns may be in the future.



Perhaps sooner than later eh?

<Not chastizing FFS y'all killing it>

mav :happy_blob:

@jerry neat, I didn't know you were running a kbin! Rad!

mav :happy_blob:

@jerry So do you need an account on it separately or can you log in to it with a federated credential of some kind?


@jerry setup a load balancer/reverse proxy to handle traffic and distribute traffic to the proper server accordingly?

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