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Alistair Davidson

There is a blue line for every year since 1982. Each line represents the surface temperature in the North Atlantic across that year.
The red line is this year.

I recommend growing food in your garden, getting an e-bike, house upgrades (solar panels, insulation), and forming a massive pitchfork wielding mob to march on the oil company HQs.

Gabriele Pollara

@moh_kohn is it an outlier or is there a trend upwards over time? (not a sceptic, just curious in the data, in case my intentions are mistaken!) @maegul


@gpollara @moh_kohn I’d guess the shade of blue correlates with time ??

Gabriele Pollara

@maegul @moh_kohn yeah you're probbaly right, should have realised! 🤦

maxmoon 🌱

@moh_kohn Currently I have my own garden and I am proud of it, but not my own solar panels and insulation, because I don't own a house yet.

And I don't know how an e-bike would help? The demand for Silicium is higher than ever and it's not really sustainable.

And I don't have a pitchfork, because it's much more sustainable to live vegan. But I could come with a shovel.... is this okay?


@utopify_org @moh_kohn
Depending on details, an e-bike can be the most efficient possible way to travel, and they help solve various problems that deter use of a plain bicycle (hills, distance, lack of initial fitness). Their use of raw materials is far lower than what's needed for e-cars. "Details" involve your diet, your source of power for charging the e-bike, and whether you use the e-assist just to assist, or to go whoo-hoo-fast.

Allan Chow

@dr2chase @utopify_org @moh_kohn I think the idea is more "use an ebike alternatively to a car" whenever you can

Wyatt H Knott

@moh_kohn Boosting this for the excellent recommendations.

Felis Cat

@moh_kohn Thanks for the recommendations. As soon as I find a million dollars to buy a house with property, I'll put them into action.

Except the mob part, I can swing getting a pitchfork.


Whats the source? Thats the first question when you share this thing with deniers


@Cuntsaw it's important to understand that they ask that not to uphold any standard of rigour and fact checking, but rather so they can go and derail the conversation by scoffing at the source and throwing bafflegab and bullshit on the field as a distraction.


Marcel Abraas

@reneestephen @Cuntsaw @moh_kohn A sceptic researching that graphic would find out it was created by a self proclaimed climate doomer, Prof. Eliot Jacobson - and would then ignore it. However, Jacobson's source is solid:, and the data is on the site, see
as well as this
Data is the one thing we have on deniers. Use it.

@reneestephen @Cuntsaw @moh_kohn A sceptic researching that graphic would find out it was created by a self proclaimed climate doomer, Prof. Eliot Jacobson - and would then ignore it. However, Jacobson's source is solid:, and the data is on the site, see
as well as this
Data is the one thing we have on deniers. Use it.

project always tired

@moh_kohn Why should I get an e-bike? My old non e bike is quite fine


@moh_kohn Absolutely support your messaging here, but it is really important to have a source for a graph that's so alarming. I'd like to share this toot but don't feel comfortable doing that without verification



Is this the NOAA North Tropical Atlantic Index, as described here?
It seems to match your description.



Perhaps not: here's another view of that same index that doesn't seem to match the posted data:


Already have solar and ripped out our grass in favor of vegetables nearly two decades ago. Ebikes don't really make sense as I'm primarily WFH (and my customer sites aren't bikeable regardless).


@moh_kohn Well of course we've crossed the bright red line. This is the story of human history. This is how we killed 6M Jewish citizens of Europe in WWII. This is how we elected a White Supremacist to the highest office in the land in 2016. This is how humankind will make the only place in the Universe for us to live, unlivable.



For those who are curious, I think this is the original source of that picture:

More analysis and visualizations of that dataset:

And this is the source of the temperature measurement:

Rolf Blijleven

Not yet; oops (sorry) (but I almost always WFH); check, check; Check!

Joan Grey


I really want solar panels, but I live surrounded by tall trees. We're well insulated (thank goodness), at least.

Are there snowy-winter appropriate e-bikes?

Kevin Leecaster

If you saw pictures of that Royal Guard that collapsed on the parade ground in Great Britain this weekend, I think that this graph should be shared every time someone shares that picture.


@moh_kohn I made this suggestion last year (over on the hell site) during the pushback of art work being souped...Instead of symbolic acts, the movement needs to directly hit those directly responsible and guilty of delay.

All I heard...🦗🦗🦗

I kind of figured that those folks that were taking the wait & see now realize its time to act.


Excellent suggestions, I'd also add Vote to at least try and move the Overton Window and take a step in the right direction.

You need a larger diagram since the summer hasn't started. I was aware of climate extremes this year, but now I'm afraid what's coming up.
Thank you for your life hacks and strike hints. They are overdue, too.

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