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Chris Hallbeck

If you take a social media sabbatical, don’t announce it. Just make your last post something fun like “I wonder if there’s a bear in this cave?”

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THE best toot I have seen in months. Thanks for the chuckle.


@Chrishallbeck once me and a lover were making out in a cave. We get back and there was a bear right there. We'd been making out in a bear cave when the bear was out having lunch.

A.L. Blacklyn

@Chrishallbeck no, please. This is not funny.

Too many people have passed away while we the followers have waited for their next posts, which end up coming from loved one who logged in to announce the deaths.

ator robot

@Chrishallbeck here's the "haunted" house then. I think I can see the red paint LMAO. wish me luck 😉

Larry Smith

I usually wonder if there's a wumpus in the "next" cave.

Wendy Lady

@Chrishallbeck damn. That's much better than my last post on Twitter which was "fuck this, I'm out" and this gif:


@Chrishallbeck "I'm taking a canoe trip with 3 buddies down in Georgia..."

Jeremy Burge

@Chrishallbeck also relevant: when you mostly post TikToks from a boat for a year then disappear, people think you have sunk (true story 😅)



That wasn’t the moral of cocaine bear…


@Chrishallbeckbetter yet, announce your return and not your departure


@Chrishallbeck Shoot. I really wish I had done this on my twitter account before I got locked out!


@Chrishallbeck announcing a social media sabbatical is like telling the bakery that you've pledged to stop eating cake. if you're tempted, you'll know everyone will see you lost your resolve.

(this is why i do it)


@Chrishallbeck I heard there’s a gru on this one… I

staff software dogmom

@Chrishallbeck it's hilarious to me that I saw this because @void_friend boosted it.... I was excitedly reading their toots about getting ready to go cold camping in lapland and then I heard NOTHING and I was like, ....did they die


@Chrishallbeck Oh no, please no! I worry about some folks on this platform enough without having to worry if they are still alive.... 😔


@Chrishallbeck "Wellll, that's how she woulda wanted to go."

Natasha Taylor

@Chrishallbeck They have taken the bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes...drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out.


@Chrishallbeck “this gas station sushi cant be that bad right?”


@Chrishallbeck hey! Haven’t seen you around since I deleted my Instagram years ago. 👋🏻

Jeff Grigg


"Astronaut Michael Collins said "if you had any balls, you'd say 'oh my God what is that thing?' then scream and cut your mic" when Neil Armstrong pondered what to say on the surface of the moon."




(It's not true. But we *wish* it were!!! 🤣 )


@Chrishallbeck I just made this my FB cover photo, people love it.

Architectus 🌆 :verified_red:​

@Chrishallbeck god, I truly wish I had this idea the day I quit bird site

John Harris

"I think it's the blue wire."
"It's been in the fridge for a month but it still looks okay."
"I'm gonna use my Sodastream to carbonate coffee."

Jim Hughes ☢️

@rodneylives @Chrishallbeck hey, look at this dusty old videotape we found, can't wait to see what's on it

Chaotic Natural 20

See, I shoulda quit when I took my holiday with spouse.

My last post was something something parasailing something something something shark.

Chaotic Natural 20

I may have flown over one. I don't know, I was a bit occupied with clutching for dear life to the straps connecting me to the parachute and waiting impatiently for the entire ordeal to be over.

Heh. I remember watching that episode of Happy Days where the Fonz jumped over a shark on skis...

Jason Petersen

@Chrishallbeck @Gargron well the problem is there are people who are interesting and funny on here, then there are those who announce social media sabbaticals

Eric G.

@Chrishallbeck "TIL exposing myself to gamma radiation will make me stronger"



I wonder if I have enough line to rapell to the ground?


@Chrishallbeck Flying over the Bermuda triangle nooooooow...

Mikal with a k


"BRB testing out my new homemade rocket."

"Shit! Earthquake!"

"Can anyone tell me what a gas leak smells like?"

*very close up photo of a rattlesnake* "Is this a gopher snake?"

"Quick, can someone tell me how to use this Epi pen?"


Tara the Developer

@Chrishallbeck that actually reminds me, I have this button here tha


@Chrishallbeck or
"There was a strange noise in the attic, maybe I should check"

XorOwl 🎃

@Chrishallbeck i once saw someone exit with "yee haw partner! Im goin to cowboy jail!" Before their server went offline.

That one will stick with me.


@Chrishallbeck "Hey, guys, I think I found a place of honour! I bet all kinds of highly esteemed deeds are commemorated here!"

Eoin O'Beara

@Chrishallbeck I've never understood when people apologise for taking a social media break. Mostly no-one cares.

Menno 王 Ong

@xs4me2 Goed, dan weten we dat. Als iemand ineens vraagt of er een beer in deze grot zit, dan is dat een teken dat je die persoon op dat sociale medium (een tijdje) niet terugziet.



Het mag ook een tentje in Alaska zijn bij een rivier met zalm ;)


@swinehorse @MennoOng

Lekker gegrild met salade… ook Grizzlies zijn er dol op!


@xs4me2 @MennoOng
een grizzlybeer heb ik geen probleem mee.
De zalm wel daar ga ik dood aan.

Kai und der Andere

@Chrishallbeck If I'm less present on social networks right now, it's because "I wonder if there's a bubbul frog in that cave".

(yes, yes, I know there's a bubbul frog in every cave)


@Chrishallbeck or as Billy Connolly used to say, when leaving a group of friends perhaps to go to the bathroom, just announce ‘ you may not see me for some time’


@Chrishallbeck In Germany (or Italy) you could post: "Today I should take the bicycle instead of car."

Frank for Putin is it "Интересно, что делает эта красная кнопка?"


@Chrishallbeck Then come back a month later and update it, "Nope!"

(Or "Yep!" optionally.)

Nosaj :boost_ok: :loading:


Any post that ends in "Wish me luck!", really. 😜

Emery Brooks ✒️📚

@Chrishallbeck I wonder what'll happen if I go to the past and change the future.

Robert Eskra

@Chrishallbeck how bout, "I think I'll try mushroom foraging...WISH ME LUCK!"

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