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Akseli :quake_verified:

@rysiek just to notify to avoid federating and lemmygrad instances for both are owned by tankies and genocide deniers (yes, really)

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Micha艂 "rysiek" Wo藕niak 路 馃嚭馃嚘

@aks I am aware, sadly. There's a lot of great instances out there, though.

Justin FItzsimmons

@rysiek @aks any recommendations for the techie/leftie/queer intersection?

Akseli :quake_verified:

@smn @rysiek beehaw, probably.

I will just avoid the whole thing and see where the dust settles. I am plenty happy with rss reader and this account.

Justin FItzsimmons

@aks @rysiek I probably should have specified that I crave memes and shitposts, so I guess if you have any fedi recommendations for those I'd happily take those too

Akseli :quake_verified:

@smn @rysiek unfortunately i dunno what to offer for that, i memepost in my matrix space

And well this account too sometimes lol

Micha艂 "rysiek" Wo藕niak 路 馃嚭馃嚘

@smn @aks seems reasonably okay for EN content.

There is also, which is very explicitly anarchist and queer-friendly, but it's mostly a Polish language instance. Doesn't mean EN content would be shunned there, of course!


@rysiek @smn @aks don鈥檛 know if is really queer friendly :P

Micha艂 "rysiek" Wo藕niak 路 馃嚭馃嚘

@daria is it not? honest question, I'd really like to know if there were incidents that made queer folk feel unsafe!

@smn @aks


@rysiek in the past, I guess. Plus I remember ignoring the queer perspective on the UA-RU war by one of the founders. Szmer is anarchist, but not queer anarchist imo @smn @aks

@smn @rysiek @aks Feel free to join us on (I am the main admin).
Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@aks @rysiek I still remember seeing unironical posts of NK propaganda in between bouts about the supposed naz*ness of Zelensky, which immediately turned me away from ever trying lemmy again. All of this being federated on .ml that's run by some of their devs.

Akseli :quake_verified:

@ncrav @rysiek I regret ever making account there

Micha艂 "rysiek" Wo藕niak 路 馃嚭馃嚘

@aks @ncrav yeah, good points. Lemmyverse very much needs a serious conversation about defederating from and lemmygrad.

Instance I use is not federating with lemmygrad, but does federate with Which is not great.

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