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Maartje :omya_sncb:

Truly in spirit of @jon's amazing D-Ticket flow chart:

Is SNCB Unlimited valid: the flow chart! For all owners of a subscription as expensive as BC100 but for 1/12th the size and nowhere known to exist...


@maartje @jon I feel it's time for a gigantic EU flowchart :D

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@eloy @jon We need a true EU wide subscription... interrail style but with home country


@maartje so, carrying sufficient amounts of graffiti cans will make any train ride inside Belgium free? :D

Sven Slootweg

@maartje @jon Ah, so it's not just me who has concluded that the graffiti is just a standard part of the livery now 😂

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