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Chris Messina

the fact that there's a username in this pic of Meta's P92 Mastodon client is awesome

@tonyg is that you?

/by @alexeheath

Eugen Rochko

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath It is exciting to see more ActivityPub adoption. This is huge.

Liaizon Wakest

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath @Gargron do you think *any* of our servers will be able to handle the traffic from a sudden influx of lets say 10 million instagram accounts suddenly entering the fediverse?

Eugen Rochko

@liaizon @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath Yes. Why would that create a lot of traffic? People have to follow each other first.

Liaizon Wakest

@Gargron @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath But even the last wave of a few million people coming from Twitter we were having little servers flopping over left and right just from all the new activity

Eugen Rochko

@liaizon @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath The hypothetical 10M users would not be on the little servers, but on Meta's. Unless you subscribe to all 10M, it wouldn't affect you.

@Gargron @liaizon @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath

Unless Meta doesn't respect the protocol and sends all their traffic in the hope that their content appears in the federated timeline. Is there some check somewhere to make sure an incoming activity is actually asked for by someone locally ?

@Gargron sorry to be a dick about it, but it's Mastodon that proliferated the behaviour of sending activities to all the instances that your users follow other people on. So it's entirely possible that at least one from the 10M users will be followed from every instance in the fediverse, therefore when someone posts, Meta's servers will federate with *everyone*.

@liaizon @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath


@Gargron @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath Some awesome things in the near future! :fediverse:

Fancy Sandwiches

@stux @Gargron @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath so does this mean y'all are planning on federating with Meta when the time comes?

Fancy Sandwiches

@grishka @chrismessina it's up to the admins really, but for me personally I don't want anything I post crossing into a Meta owned company or product. I don't want them to use my data to help them serve more ads. They are a platform with a well documented track record of privacy violations and shady behavior.

misfit loser zealot patatas

Honestly I am very concerned that federation with Meta will undermine Mastodon's core mission, which you proudly display on your website's landing page.

It's safe to assume that Meta will continue to algorithmically decide what appears on their users' feeds. After all, Meta is really in the advertising business, not the people-connecting business!

And they have a pool of what, a billion users that will immediately have the ability to sign in? Even with a small percentage of that, any instances federating with them will start seeing a lot more of whatever Meta is pushing to their own users' feeds, as those users become more likely to boost or share it.

Users on Mastodon/other Fediverse instances will find that their reach expands if they play to the Meta algorithms, and the 'non-algorithmic' culture here will quickly turn into the same inauthentic, commodified influencer posting that corporate, for-profit social media has become known for.

Federating with Meta could well end up ruining the exact thing that makes Mastodon and the Fediverse so exciting and appealing.

I hope that admins of large instances take some time to deeply consider these possibilities before federating with a company that has done so much damage to society.

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath

Honestly I am very concerned that federation with Meta will undermine Mastodon's core mission, which you proudly display on your website's landing page.

It's safe to assume that Meta will continue to algorithmically decide what appears on their users' feeds. After all, Meta is really in the advertising business, not the people-connecting business!


@Gargron @chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath not good at all. That's selling out to Facebook/Meta. Don't do that, also fuck you

Alex Heath

@Gargron @chrismessina @tonyg Eugen, has Meta reached out to you about this? Any concerns for a company this large coming onto the protocol?

Tony G

@chrismessina @alexeheath sorry, wrong tonyg. Not sure how it ended up in that screen shot.

Chris Messina

@tonyg @alexeheath Could also just be a mockup — but still! You're reading what I'm reading, right?

Liaizon Wakest

@tonyg @chrismessina @alexeheath that is very bizarre, so they used your username without checking if it was taken, in the mockup they just showed to the ALL FACEBOOK employees meeting

⠠⠵ avuko

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath I could not find this being said by this handle on Twitter. So, are they dunking on Apple in fictitious posts?

Chris Messina

@avuko Could just be a mockup, or could be an example from the non-federated network they're operating.

⠠⠵ avuko

@chrismessina I can’t tell, but that’s a weird choice for a mock-up (or a weird selection for a preview if real), right? And with weird I mean: no way this is an accident.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath You employee huge dev teams, you've got billions in the bank and one of your competitors is being subverted by open source protocols and software. Why would you not get in on that? I'm shocked it's taken this long..

Maksym Hazevych

@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath looking at what Twitter have become recently, I'm all for having a new Mastodon for normies

Pinky Floyd
@chrismessina @tonyg @alexeheath

what about the fact that a pair of messages was repeated

this makes me think there are a total of six test messages on the entire platform
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