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Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

Lemmy's developers say "we are strictly against all forms of oppression (including genocide), and dont allow anything that promotes or supports oppression" and "We definitely are very staunchly against bigotry or persecution of minorities, and are strict about banning that".

This is difficult to fully reconcile with what actually happens on the developers' own instance, and those they feature.


Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

The problem here isn't Lemmy's politics, but their attitude to threads about human rights violations.

On the face of it, the developers' main Lemmy instance has lots of uncontroversial general interest threads, but when you start digging on controversial topics a worrying pattern emerges.

The worrying posts are very reminiscent of the way certain churches have handled priest abuse claims: denial.


Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

There's threads denyng the oppression of Uyghur muslims (this oppression has been well documented by NGOs, for example:

Other posts deny that North Korea is oppressive.

Meanwhile, another suggests celebrating Stalin's birthday as he was such a great guy.

(Incidentally, I have receipts, DM me if you want to see them for yourself.)


Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

You get the picture.

These posts were on the main Lemmy instance, as featured on the official Lemmy website.

Over the past few days I have tried to engage with Lemmy about these posts in private, as I was sure it must be a misunderstanding.

However, Lemmy said that "none of the posts you linked are against our rules", and refused to even discuss the actual issues because "this format is not conducive to political disagreements".


Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

I deeply regret ever having publicised Lemmy. I'm really sorry.

Don't use Lemmy.

For whatever my opinion is worth any more, I would now recommend that people cancel their donations to Lemmy, stay as far away from Lemmy as possible, and donate to another Fediverse project instead.

I was wondering whether to stay quiet, but it seemed better to speak up and say something


Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

p.s. I put the wrong link for Amnesty, the Uyghur report is here:

Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

p.p.s. Someone has pointed out that (the official Lemmy instance) resolves to the same IP address as (the instance that contains the most disturbing material). also federates with lemmygrad, and the devs advertise lemmygrad on their "join lemmy" site.

Do the Lemmy developers themselves run the site? (Its main logo is a tank, incidentally.)

Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„

p.p.p.s. There was an older "reddit for the Fediverse" project called Prismo which had some working instances at one point.

Perhaps someone could resurrect it, to provide an alternative to Lemmy?

Auลกrinฤ— [disputed]

@feditips I doubt I'd have the energy to build a new alternative, but it may be worth a try. I have a few ideas for how federation could be done better.

Erik Uden :verified:

Lemmy is software. Itโ€™s like Mastodon. Thereโ€™s nothing inherent to Lemmy that is by any means political.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


One could always fork the lemmy software and not federate with any of the dicey instances.

I always thought that lemmy dot ml seemed a bit hard-marxist*, but lemmygrad is truly terrifying.

*which isn't too uncommon on , so I ignored it.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@RL_Dane @feditips I don't know what Lemmy is.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: replied to AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@AlgoCompSynth @feditips

lemmy dot ml; it's a reddit clone, but apparently affiliated with some rather unsavory hard-Marxists.
...and perhaps Russian propaganda.

MattZ replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:
@RL_Dane @AlgoCompSynth @feditips Mostly Chinese propaganda thou.

There's kbin and lotide if you don't want lemmy. Lotide's web ui is abysmal but considering the fact that it was made by a sourcehut user that's expected still doesn't change the fact it's atrocious.
AlgoCompSynth by znmeb replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@RL_Dane @feditips I'm not a fan of "hard-Marxists", but are there ways to deal with them in other Fediverse sites that Lemmy doesn't have?

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: replied to AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@AlgoCompSynth @feditips

Well, there's the gatekeeper principle. By that, I mean if the gatekeeper of a community (in terms of leading, not "gatekeeping" as the word is usually used) is extreme, that community will tend to be extreme.

There's nothing wrong with hard marxists interspersed among regular communities. They're just one of many voices.


R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@AlgoCompSynth @feditips


But when they're concentrated in one place, it can get kinda toxic.

But there's always the possibility of forking lemmy, or merely establishing a sub-network that doesn't federate with the poisonous instances.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@RL_Dane @feditips If the end result is a "federated Reddit" I am still uninterested. ๐Ÿ˜‰

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: replied to AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@AlgoCompSynth @feditips

Totally ok! Not every kind of is for everyone.

I'm still not on yet, even though I like the idea.

Butterbee replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@RL_Dane @AlgoCompSynth @feditips Beehaw doesn't federate with the tankies. And I would love for Lemmy to be forked and maintained by non-tankies.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: replied to Butterbee


What's interesting is that lists lemmygrad as non-federated.

@AlgoCompSynth @feditips

Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„ replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@RL_Dane @Butterbee @AlgoCompSynth

I wonder if they're now trying to make their connection to Lemmygrad less obvious... ๐Ÿค”

Regardless, Lemmygrad is still being promoted on the official Lemmy website.

Sorrow replied to Fedi.Tips Whatโ€™s the current take on /kbin? It seems a viable alternativeโ€ฆ

Steve ( He / Him ) ๐Ÿด ๐Ÿฆ‡ replied to R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@RL_Dane @AlgoCompSynth @feditips I've been on Lemmy for a while
and I'd say some but not all. It's decentralized but some instances have some problematic users but many do not including the one i'm on ( ) which is small and the admin has talked to me about possibly resetting the instance with a different fediverse software since they feel the things you mentioned are keeping better users away. The decentralized nature really does mean the issues vary instance to instance, etc though that doesn't excuse any of the issues you mentioned.

@RL_Dane @AlgoCompSynth @feditips I've been on Lemmy for a while
and I'd say some but not all. It's decentralized but some instances have some problematic users but many do not including the one i'm on ( ) which is small and the admin has talked to me about possibly resetting the instance with a different fediverse software since they feel the things you mentioned are keeping better users away. The decentralized nature really does mean the issues vary instance to instance, etc though that...

Zeno Libre

You seem to be missing the point. We want to promote decentralised systems in order to not having to deal with anyone's (including the original developer's) opinions.
Anyone can create an instance/server in the fediverse, including Mastodon and Lemmy, without having to deal with the opinions of the owners (like twitter, facebook, reddit) since there isn't one.
Let's not shoot our own feet.

Fedi.Tips ๐ŸŽ„


Tech is not neutral, it is affected by the values of the people who make it.

If an online platform becomes popular, it gives the developers more influence, funding and power. I don't want to be giving that to people I don't trust.

For example, the official Lemmy website advertises the problematic instances. And it seems the Lemmy devs run the problematic instances.

Zeno Libre replied to Fedi.Tips

It is hard to believe that Lemmy is not an improvement compared to ALL other commercial social networks.
And sorry but I funamentally disagree; tech is neutral, science is neutral, but people are never neutral. I will not kill a technology because the people who created do not share the same ethical standards that I do.
Even if Isaak Newton was a horrible person, his work improved the lives of the whole humanity.

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