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Signal is as encrypted and centralized as WhatsApp. Use something better for privacy, like @delta or @simplex

argv minus one

@andreasm Last I heard, Signal was E2EE. Did that change at some point? Have there been any articles about the change?


@argv_minus_one WhatsApp is also E2EE.

The interest is not in what you write but who you write to.

Signal ties you to your phone number (gives who you are and gives your location history), knows the time of messages, who you speak to and where those people are.

Even if Signal doesn't process that data, the legal requirement for them to give it to the US government makes Signal a very dubious "privacy tool"

k3ym𖺀 // John Sutton :donor:

@andreasm @Em0nM4stodon @delta @simplex not really fair of you to put signal and WhatsApp in the same bucket

For starters, massive differences on the amount of data the collect:


@Em0nM4stodon @k3ym0

And.. if you read the US government website it states it's the cornerstone of human goodness.

Don't believe everything you read. Signal has the exact same capability to spy on you as WhatsApp. It's another centralized system, based in the US where backdoors are enforced by the state. If Signal folks tell you they spy on you, they go to prison.

Buenaventura Luxemburg

@andreasm @Em0nM4stodon @k3ym0 but we know what info Signal hands out? The only info courts have been able to get is time of registration and time of last use. You’re making a very strong claim here, so where’s your backing?


> Don't believe everything you read

🙄 There's reasonable paranoia and then there's worrying about chemtrails and falling off the edge of a flat earth.

Putting Signal and Whatsapp in the same bracket feels political and makes me question your motives. Your suggestions, however are good and I'll be looking at Simplex shortly.

k3ym𖺀 // John Sutton :donor:

@andreasm @Em0nM4stodon @delta @simplex

In addition to what data each platform does/does not collect, they are VERY different organizations:

WhatsApp (Meta)
✅ business model = exploiting and monetizing people's privacy
✅ publicly traded and legally obligated to maximize shareholder profits
✅ proven track-record of abusing people's privacy

Edit: Tried to create a markdown table, but apparently Mastodon's MD support does not include MD tables :(

@andreasm @Em0nM4stodon @delta @simplex

In addition to what data each platform does/does not collect, they are VERY different organizations:

WhatsApp (Meta)
✅ business model = exploiting and monetizing people's privacy
✅ publicly traded and legally obligated to maximize shareholder profits
✅ proven track-record of abusing people's privacy

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