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We are excited to announce new plans for Tutanota: Revolutionary with 20 GB storage & 15 alias email addresses and Legend with 500 GB & 30 email alias addresses! πŸ’ͺ

We offer an exclusive introduction deal: Book yearly, and you'll get the second year for free. With this one-time offer you can save 50% on all brand-new Tutanota plans! Switch now, and join our revolution in building a better web: Choose Revolutionary or Legend and bring privacy to the world with us! πŸ₯³


Of course, switching to the new plans is completely voluntary; your old plans stay valid.

Thank you for supporting our privacy-first email service. 😍



My mission to escape from gmail continues!

It's a long slow grind, but more and more important services now send their email to tutamail instead of gmail.

Congrats on the new plans, hope they work well for you!

Alexandra πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@Tutanota But new user cannot join the old plan prepare to lose new people to concurrence, they are 3.99 so it was a good thing you had 1, now for the 0.99 difference they will not come to you.

Congrat to destroy one of your good attraction point i guess ?


@sgirlprivacy Thanks for your feedback. We'll see about that as Tutanota is much more secure, check out the comparison:

Alexandra πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@Tutanota yes it's true and i know it, but don't forget half of new user will simply check the price and that's it, they will see pgp on the other end and a minimal price change and you risk to go to proton for pgp


@Tutanota Can you also still buy add ons to the new plans like you could for the old ones?


@andy No, but the new plans are much more extensive, most features already included, plus more storage & aliases!


@Tutanota I am an €1 plan user, can I still renew this original plan when expired?


@guann Yes, you can stay on your current plan.

Badly-optimised primate

@Tutanota I can't remember what all of it said, but when switching to the new plan it said my current plan was no longer available.

It didn't allow me to compare what I was currently paying for with the new version.

I'm happy to switch (I have already) but the pitch looks a little like, "pay three-to-eight times as much for potentially fewer features".

I think you could do with rephrasing it to be a bit more friendly, e.g. compare it to how much storage you currently have?


@moopet This depends so much on what you booked; but most likely you had Premium with 1 Gb because otherwise you would have already paid more. Hope this helps!

Ole :mastodon:

@Tutanota Great. But is there also some plan to have a usable calendar? (search function, agenda view supports past, etc)


@oln Yes, search for the calendar - as well as other improvements - are already planned!

Ole :mastodon:

@Tutanota Cool. Tbh sounds a bit vague. Do you have maybe a bit more precise information, especially about the schedule?

Hudobni volk

@Tutanota I like the 3€ plan.. Your work, maintenance and services need some input.. Hardware costs also.. Better you are paid by us the community as much as possible.. Hope you offer some "family plan" in future..

BTW.. Thank you Tutanota for sponsoring Pulsar-edit also. Great project! ;)



@HudobniVolk Thanks, we're happy to have customers like you! 😍

Gay Fluffball :verified_gay:

@Tutanota of course you remove the 1€ plan right after i left it temporary man xD


@Cabbidachi The new plan - with it's current reduction - is only 1,50€ πŸ˜‰


@Cabbidachi Yes, but it's for the next two years, as the second year is free.

Gay Fluffball :verified_gay:

@Tutanota oh that is what you meant
I mean
I am personally not the biggest fan of contracts
But I used your service before and honestly didn't had anything to complain
I just wanted to wait until I acquire a new domain

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota take my opinion for what is worth. Tutanota is great but needs to distinct itself from the competition, not talking about the underlying infra but on the features it provides. For example Tutanota App doesn't need Google services to provide notifications, this is compelling. Tutanota provides a proper email client on the desktop.

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota Yet Tutanota should capitalize where the competition doesn't, for years users are waiting for contact integration... This would be a big plus, want to bring a drive service make sure you have the basic features like sync clients not a half baked thing as proton drive.

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota Even with all it's flaws Proton keeps the edge in my opinion because Tutanota doesn't capitalize on those same flaws to push users to their side. Now with the new plans I think it may be even worse as a user pointed out.


@Tutanota hey! I have the old plan with 20 aliases, moving to the new one would mean losing 5 aliases though?


@whatevs If you already registered these aliases, no. We will not delete email addresses that you already have. Free slots above the 15 alias limit can not be filled after the switch, though, so fill them first!


@Tutanota i would like to move to the new plan, without discount, to support you guys, even though I just started my year subscription end of may, as it is not a big price change! but the aliases thing is a bit stopping me. Should have given 20 aliases with the plan! Or i would be happy to pay more to have more aliases.. just my feedback.


@whatevs Thanks, you can register all aliases before switching, then you will be able to keep them. ;) In three weeks, the offer is gone, just do the switch then. Thank you very much! 😍

Cedric :ivory_logo:

@Tutanota Hello, re the annual subscriptions, you should also display the total amount for 12 month so the costumers know exactly what they will pay at checkout πŸ˜‰


@cedric Thanks for your feedback, I'll pass it on!


One question before I upgrade. What will Tutanoto do to support UK users if the UK government outlaws encrypted communications in its current form?


@MurrayWindripper You will still be able to use Tutanota. If UK wants to outlaw encryption, they need to block access to our service, but a VPN will circumvent such a block easily.

Micha Lugosi :antifa:

@Tutanota ich kann die neuen Abos in der App noch nicht sehen.


@bauhausmensch Die neue App kommt noch, du kannst bereits im Browser wechseln!


@Tutanota so the 1€ will stop existing?


@retiolus Yes, but if you are on the Premium plan, you can keep it, nothing will change.

Masayuki60 πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

@Tutanota I've happily upgraded to Revolutionary. If I can star, flag, or label messages, I'd be happier.

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