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Meko #nowar
Looks like this night Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was blowed up. Large amounts of water are going to flood villages down at the Dnipro river in a few hours.

Is Russia trying to stop Ukrainian counteroffencive? :blobcatthinkingglare:
Lex Publica
@yura for now this act has no actor.

Russian news only constate that the plant is down after "night of missle strikes".
Meko #nowar
@ludivokrug Ukrainian media and President blame Russian army.
Lex Publica
@yura they'll blame each other, as I think.

Hope we will know the truth.
Meko #nowar

The Kakhovka HPP was completely destroyed as a result of the explosion of the engine room from the inside. The plant cannot be repaired.

Ukrainian officials – Ukrhydroenergo (in Ukrainian)


Lex Publica

> explosion of the engine room from the inside

holy f....
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