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@BlackAzizAnansi So, unpopular opinion, but, no? Don't get me wrong, I'm no antivaxxer and took it seriously as soon as the first reports started popping up in Jan 2020. I never got it myself, and at this point, with 5 vaccinations in me, and a fatality rate that is right now roughly comparable to the flu (which, unlike COVID, I never wore a mask to avoid), and mortality risk highly skewed towards the elderly, I have no qualms at all about getting on a plane, going to a concert, etc. Sure, there are some lessons I'll carry forward - self-isolate or mask up before seeing the elderly, don't come into work if you're feeling sick - but I think for now, barring any new, more deadly variant emerging, I can get an annual shot, let science chalk up the W, and return to life as normal.


@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi This is kind of where i'm at too- and I am elderly. I think it's a combination of having taken every precaution I can, short of not living my life, and the fact that virtually everyone I know who has had it post vaccine (and this includes many elders and several folks with serious co morbidities) has done just fine. That and the fact that Paxlovid seems to work and is readily available- I'm kind of back to normal. So far no Covid- I keep an eye on the wastewater reports, take reasonable precautions, and hope for the best. I haven't been sick in three years.

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi This is kind of where i'm at too- and I am elderly. I think it's a combination of having taken every precaution I can, short of not living my life, and the fact that virtually everyone I know who has had it post vaccine (and this includes many elders and several folks with serious co morbidities) has done just fine. That and the fact that Paxlovid seems to work and is readily available- I'm kind of back to normal. So far no Covid- I keep an eye on the wastewater reports, take...

Bryan Ruby 🌤️

@OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi It's been almost half a year since anyone I know has had COVID and probably four months since I wore a mask. The pandemic pretty much is over in my neck of the woods. I have no problem wearing a mask when asked or the numbers tell me otherwise. It's just nobody has asked lately including my local doctors and hospitals.

Schools are superspreaders

@bryanruby @OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi It appears "over" because no one is testing. The virus is still circulating. People are catching covid 1-3 times a year and calling it "a bad cold" without testing.

My spouse has had long covid since last fall. It's a goddamn nightmare. Fully vaxxed & boosted, and yet still partially disabled by this horrible disease.

Y'all have a 10-20% chance of developing long covid with each infection. Don't be fools.

Schools are superspreaders

@bryanruby @OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi Y'all have this stubborn habit of conflating the acute stage of the disease with the disease itself. The acute stage is "flu-like" after which people "recover" and feel "fine." With many viral illnesses (polio, shingles, AIDS) it can take weeks, months or years for the chronic stage to develop.

Long covid isn't merely "lingering symptoms" after infection. Long covid IS the disease.

Fuck around and find out.

mx. dr. prof. le fay

@pixplz @bryanruby @OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi

some of these people should look into ME/CFS and HSV, they've been doing this wrong for decades

long term convalescing is REQUIRED and that's not even before getting into stopping spread itself

Kat 🇺🇸 🇮🇪 ☮️

@OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi I will always wear a mask on a plane from now on. Especially getting on and off. People are way too close.

Mike M.

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi
I flew SEA to JFK last week. About 10% of ppl in the waiting area and on the flight wore masks. A different 10% were coughing.

4 days later, even though I was masked, I felt feverish, headachey, coughing. Antigen test was positive. If I could sue the Supreme Court, I would.


Raven Onthill

@Krooney @mmlvx full p100 and don't take it off, even to eat. It's a pain.

Brian Dear

@mmlvx @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi I recently drove from NM to CT and back to NM just to avoid COVID at airports and airlines. Just not worth the risk.

Donald Ball

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi Its fatality rate is now about 4x that of influenza, getting it doubles anyone’s chance of death in the subsequent year. Long COVID presents a significant disability to probably 1% of those who catch it, vaccines reduce this risk no more than 17%.

Sorry, your risk assessment is based on poor information.


@donaldball Thank you for making this comment. I saw the inaccuracies, too, and scrolled through the comments to see if anyone had corrected them yet. The fact that people STILL think covid is "just like the flu" goes to show how poorly public health and the media has communicated the facts.

David McMullin

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi

Consider this though: each time you get COVID, you have about a 10% chance of getting Long COVID, which may mean incapacitating disability. And if you don’t take precautions, you can expect to get COVID about every year. So that’s a 90% chance of being ok this year, times 90% again for each year you expect to live… If you’re old now you should already be careful. And if you’re young and not careful, you will probably be disabled by this eventually.


@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi This is a very succinct distillation of all of the talking points the oligarchy has put together in focus groups and with experts to make sure that the people who don't pay much attention to anything but their heroes on the television will be able to teach their friends how to normalize genocide without batting an eye

Courtney Cantrell

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi I had your same mindset back in March. Went to one small indoor gathering unmasked and promptly caught COVID.

I no longer hold that mindset.

Edit to add: When I caught COVID, I was fully vaxxed and boosted. So were my husband and daughter, both of whom also caught it.


@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi the fatality rate for people of the same age and sex in Canada is still about 10% higher than before Covid, and hospitals are under strain; there were more excess deaths in 2022 than 2021 because people were vaccinated but no longer taking other protective measures and because COVID damages a variety of organs and systems even it it does not cause serious injury or death during the symptomatic period. Example

@TJ @BlackAzizAnansi the fatality rate for people of the same age and sex in Canada is still about 10% higher than before Covid, and hospitals are under strain; there were more excess deaths in 2022 than 2021 because people were vaccinated but no longer taking other protective measures and because COVID damages a variety of organs and systems even it it does not cause serious injury or death during the symptomatic period. Example

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