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Schools are superspreaders

@bryanruby @OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi Y'all have this stubborn habit of conflating the acute stage of the disease with the disease itself. The acute stage is "flu-like" after which people "recover" and feel "fine." With many viral illnesses (polio, shingles, AIDS) it can take weeks, months or years for the chronic stage to develop.

Long covid isn't merely "lingering symptoms" after infection. Long covid IS the disease.

Fuck around and find out.

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mx. dr. prof. le fay

@pixplz @bryanruby @OldAndCranky @TJ @BlackAzizAnansi

some of these people should look into ME/CFS and HSV, they've been doing this wrong for decades

long term convalescing is REQUIRED and that's not even before getting into stopping spread itself

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