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Turkey MacGuffin :damnified:


I find it too difficult to do things in Linux. I feel like the OS is fighting me, trying to keep me from making something work.


@DXMacGuffin How so? Email? Browser? Office? Just click the icon. File browser? Click it.
Install an app? Either hit up the terminal like I do, or open the "app store".
I haven't had #Linux fight me in years.


@DXMacGuffin Hell, in Manjaro, the Arch based distro I'm using, even changing the kernel is a few GUI clicks away.
I am genuinely confused. I'm confident anyone who could use a smartphone without help could find their way to updating the kernel without looking it up.
Please, fill me in on what's fighting you.

Turkey MacGuffin :damnified:


It's been a couple years, but one of the last things I tried to do was update an expired certificate on a web app. I never could get Apache to use the new certificate, I ended up just leaving the expired one out there.

To replace the certificate, I had to edit a config file....but I first I have to give myself read/write access to said config file, then use an ancient text editor and arrow keys to make the change I need.


@DXMacGuffin Um...
sudo chmod [the perms and file]
sudo [gui or terminal editor of your choice] /whatever/effing/file.conf


Turkey MacGuffin :damnified:


I shouldn't need to open a command prompt and change permissions to make a minor change to a config file.

It's equally foreign to me when Linux folks concluded the opposite of what I did - that Linux is easier than Windows.


@DXMacGuffin I've had my very tech illiterate mother on Linux. My idiot former roommate who couldn't figure out the TV he used as a monitor switched to a different input after a power failure was on #Linux.
Yes, #Linux is easier than Windows for many many use cases.
I'm also running Linux nicely on computers Windows users threw away, because Windows uses FAR too many resources, most of them involving listening to you and watching you to go get ads for you.


@DXMacGuffin My whole job involves toiling away at Windows problems I either would never have on #Linux, or could fix in a couple lines on the terminal if I did have them.
Go ahead and make FireFox your default app for the stuff it supports on Windows, then do the same on Linux. Do that and tell me straight faced Windows is easier than Linux.

Tim Ward ⭐πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ”Ά #FBPE

@hellomiakoda @DXMacGuffin Windows is easier than Linux. I never have to use the command line (what a 1980s throw-back that is! - GUIs were invented for a reason!). (Unless I'm doing software development.)

Miakoda replied to Tim Ward ⭐πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ”Ά #FBPE

@TimWardCam @DXMacGuffin You can use #Linux without the command line. Most of us simply don't want to.

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