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Chris Messina

Funny enough, this is what Biz Stone told me in 2007 when I pitched him the idea for the hashtag (which he rejected).

I get it, but how would an LLM label #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, or #ArabSpring?

Unless you don't want the people to self-organize?


Ian McKellar

It'll be however the underpaid raters categorize it.

Ian McKellar

It sure would be nice to have worker protections here that are as good as they have in Kenya. We're having to lobby execs directly to get Google to even treat our raters as well as we treat TVCs:

KB Leecaster

#ArabSpring #BLM, #MeToo etc. is what the oligarchs bought Twitter to try to stop happening in the future I'm pretty sure.


@chrismessina I hadn't thought about it until seeing this, but I'm sympathetic to the argument. Hashtags are a hack to work around computers' inability to understand language. Slogans have existed before Twitter- it's just that computers can't parse natural language slogans. In an ideal world, implementation completely aside, you would expect to simply write about the words "Arab Spring" and for the system to recognize that as a slogan and to group posts about it together.


@chrismessina Also, even prior to LLM's, it seemed like google didn't require people to manually identify their content with hashtags. Google indexed websites written in natural language, or, I suppose, with HTML that sometimes hints at what's important with h1 tags etc.

Aaron Hockley

@chrismessina I think back to how the #hashtag originated. Barcamp. How would a LLM group or surface something like “Let's talk about the Open Web at 1pm in Room 27” for attendees at that event?


@chrismessina he obviously hates people who organize, so yes. He’s an authoritarian, and I’m just thankful he can never be president.

Mike Flynn

@chrismessina I'm pretty sure that if you asked the same guy how to "parse" content 8 months ago, he would have said “Just use an NFT!”

Kevin Fox

@chrismessina They miss the point that gashtags aren’t just descriptors. They’re also intentions and they’re also emotions.

Sarah T. Roberts, Ph.D.

@chrismessina @mchris As if hashtag use doesn’t have deeply social and phenomenological meaning to those who label and those who seek out information and interaction based on said labels.


@chrismessina might not hurt to have a user-agent option that would bug you, "hey, did you want to put any hash tags on that?", along with "here's ones you subscribe to" and (MAYBE) "here's a few our stochastic parrot thought were likely".

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