Логотип GNU с пририсованной баранкой на рогу и надписью Баранки/GNU
GNU project logo with russian baranka (baked good that is almost donut-shaped but with bigger hole and more rigid) drawn on one of the horns. Text says "Baranki/GNU" which is a pun on somewhat rude response to "Nu..." (meaning something like "Well..."). "Baranki gnu" means "I bend barankas"
Логотип GNU с пририсованной баранкой на рогу и надписью Баранки/GNU
GNU project logo with russian baranka (baked good that is almost donut-shaped but with bigger hole and more rigid) drawn on one of the horns. Text says "Baranki/GNU" which is a pun on somewhat rude response to "Nu..." (meaning...
@yura "Baranki gnu" outside of sound similarities is not related to nu, which is a reason why it is used to rudely respond to a person, possibly interrupting them, without swearing
Логотип GNU с пририсованной баранкой на рогу и надписью Баранки/GNU
GNU project logo with russian baranka (baked good that is almost donut-shaped but with bigger hole and more rigid) drawn on one of the horns. Text says "Baranki/GNU" which is a pun on somewhat rude response to "Nu..." (meaning something like "Well..."). "Baranki gnu" means "I bend barankas"
Логотип GNU с пририсованной баранкой на рогу и надписью Баранки/GNU
GNU project logo with russian baranka (baked good that is almost donut-shaped but with bigger hole and more rigid) drawn on one of the horns. Text says "Baranki/GNU" which is a pun on somewhat rude response to "Nu..." (meaning...