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Rob Ricci

Yesterday I discovered comma and it is going to change my life forever, I think.

It allows you to run basically anything on #NixOS without installing it. (This is possible without comma, but comma makes it trivial). This is amazing for those things that you need to use like once a year.

Rob Ricci

@musicmatze It also wraps nix-index to look up which package to find a binary in

Emil "AngryAnt" Johansen

@ricci If you like `comma`, you may love the combo of `programs.command-not-found.enable` and `NIX_AUTO_RUN`.

Emil "AngryAnt" Johansen

@ricci (It basically cuts your example down to just giving you nmap straight away when you asked for it)

Rob Ricci

@AngryAnt That's amazing! I think for now I'll stick with making it explicit but maybe if I get used to it enough

Pierre Bourdon

@ricci you can also just set the NIX_AUTO_RUN=1 environment variable, then you don't even need the comma :-) even more trivial imo

Rob Ricci

@mic92 I'm using it! Thanks for building this!

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