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Welp. I went under the radar again. Gah, currently refurbing my workplace's old PC to make them useful again... and even sometimes I replied quite late to people contacting me on WhatsApp 馃槄

Mastodon/Fediverse in the early days for me (that's 2017/18) is... different? I find Fediverse during that time is an escape from the polarized mainstream social media sites... it was much better.

瓯办湀 馃崏


It definitely was different back then, but these days you could get, or choose to engage, more often.

Of course, these days, managing your streams/timeline is something you do regularly, which we almost didn't have to do back then.

I say, this is still a better social network experience than the mainstream ones.



Cannot agree more.

On the other hand - sometimes I don't even logged in to some mainstream social media - and some of these sites apparently cannot load properly.

Mastodon/Fediverse loads even on poor internet connection (just sufficient for me to get some dopamine bursts 馃槄)

瓯办湀 馃崏


I've tried it while going around, and found my mobile Internet sufficient for my #fediverse needs. I didn't think it was using more data than the SNS platforms I was using before.

But, maybe, your network is "optimizing" their own connections to larger SocMed platforms?



I enjoy mostly text-based contents on Mastodon/Fediverse since random birbsite tweets are now even more distractive (even when viewed on plain internet browsers, expect other stuff to be loaded through algorithm, usually heavy with media). I don't really fancy Instagram/Pixelfed.

And yeah - your statement is true about these larger SocMed platforms. Majority of (mobile) ISPs even offer subsidised and optimised access just for it.

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